RED ? what is red I see in me or color it maybe? A flash of lighting or blood to anyone?But now you should know me and this is how it will be! Now RED stands for what? Reveal.Everyone’s. Division! Watch how this work it’s smooth! To reveal: means to open or to make known or to be caught in a place of openness! Just like you are right now open to be caught when it’s known that you are most reveal in all your openness! Did you see how”Reveal” made you feel when it’s ME dead in your grill! Now Everyone’s:means you guess it! Still don’t know? Listen this is quick! Stupidity is Everyone’s weakness! HOW? Peep this! We all ways trust someone who’s more stupider then us.If not why in the heck did this fool tried to play me and got caught! Last but not lease Division is a state of mind and a act of letting a person know I don’t like you or shut the hell up some times or kiss my whole black butt until the sun shine on your face as you lift your eyes right out the dark crack of my tail! Now you just turn RED in the face or in the eyes in saying I don’t have to read your blog but the only thing that is true is time and space this is your time in my space that you have learn just how I made you red! About the stuff you read! So cool is red! peace pastorsvoice!
heat this mother up!

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