Sunday, February 24, 2013
lost nuts!
In this large world that we live in some times you feel like a lost nut in the mist of a lot of squirrels!You travel from one love to another one girl to the next looking for love that can never be found. Why? Listen if you want some one to be what you want then get a clone! or a blow up doll! See what you get is what you put in! You don't have to worry about staying out to late why because when you get home blow her up and in your mind she ask what took you so long just tell her I had to catch my breath! And see if you had a clone now that's the bomb! You can program your clone to say nothing you don't want to hear like "you forgot the trash" or "you left the toilet seat up" Now this is a good one never never would you have to hear "I got a headache! "Or not to night!" See don't put that in them or don't let it hang out with your sister! I love my sister but she give very damaging advice to your happiness! I know ladies I sound like a pig! But who said that you can have one too! Heck let be all pigs every one that know a store that only the freaks hang out at. You know the one you don't shake hands with because you know that their hands just got off their winky man! Or just came out of the corn field!?What is the corn field? Let me quickly tell you it is right after you leave your nuts or your kitty cat that space in between fruit salad! That most people dig in right before you like you don't see them scratching their ball or digging in their crack! But with a clone or a blowup doll you never have to be a shame! So Buy one and stop looking for love in someone who don't have a clue! Or fall in love with this picture down below! My friend want leave you hanging! peace pastorsvoice!!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013
no more bundling!

This right here is a bad sign! Man this can only mean two things either you have loose your cable or the cable company has loosed it! Either way you are screwed! No TV! Oh my god! No Friday night smack down no movies no news no porn no nothing! Just fuzz and a sign that reads no signal! How mad can you get to know all night you have to watch those videos that been stack in the front or on the side of your TV for ever! Why you had cable! Then you seen them so much that the dog won't watch them no more the kids push them over the floor like cars and each time you get to the good part its all ways I mean always messed up then you get some cleaner like that is suppose to make it play! Man it's hard to pay bills and party! Which is the best watch TV or drank more you judge? Most might not agree with me but you don't miss the TV until you can't watch it. Check this out before it got cut off you all ways said why am I paying for all these channels and I don't watch them now that it's off you say man I wish I had paid the cable bill. So lets face it no TV no internet no phone! No more bundling! So if you cut my cable I can still talk on the phone! Free wifi sounds good right now but I'm not at the café! Ok don't panic! Plan two go get shit face drunk and I won't have to watch TV and in morning go to mother's house and say mom I miss you I will spend the rest of the weekend with you and bum rush the TV! She won't mind why she all ready know that something has been cut off in your apartment! That's why you took the remote from your little brother and is so caught up to watch the wiggles and can't wait until she leave why all that night you had nothing to eat and she heard your stomach when she kissed you on your head! So take my advice pay your cable bill because that TV is more important than you think! And no matter how much you listen to the radio you can't watch it that's why they invented TV. peace pastorvoice!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
$50.dollar plastic spoon!

Well well I'm not a food professional or one who judge what good services is but I'm not a fool either or maybe I am! Why I went to an well known restaurant call "GOLDEN CORRAL"! And first I knew it was tax time and most of the one's there only eat out once a year at tax time but me and family was ready for a meal my wife did not want to cook and I wanted to eat so we went out. So the place was not ready for all the people that had invaded it. So we got seated and they put me right in front out a group of black people hey I'm black so how bad can it be? WORNG WORNG WORNG! Bad move listen if you have to fuss about $10.00 a plate STAY YOUR BROKE AZZ HOME!No these people talk junk about how much they had to pay some creped out and didn't pay and when the ones who knew that the broke azz black people left now they start to lie about who was with them and to top it all off they got mad when they had to pay or get a free ride to most of the ones second home! Where that is "CELL BLOCK 57" They made me want to turn white so no one could say anything to me about how black people act! Well the circus left and now here comes the clowns I went to get me something to eat with and ask this lady for a spoon! And this lady looked at me like I worked for her and reach in a box and gave me a plastic spoon and said here you go! Now at this time my pissed off meter had broken! I look at the spoon and looked at her like WTF! And she just walked off like use it or don't eat! Now I'm in this big place everybody else got a grown person spoon but NO not me I got a plastic spoon! So at this time my family is busting out laughing at me saying they don't want you to steal their spoons! And do you know how to eat with a real spoon? Now they had so many people who never seen a fudge fountain that the kids had all their hands in it! On it just licking It and on the fall of fudge that pore out of it. It was so bad that they cut the fountain off so no one else can get any! Hell after all those hands was in it who wanted any freaking fudge any way. So my wife said can't get any fudge cover strawberries so she went and got a brownie with nuts on it! HELL When she got that a old white lady said I wanted that brownie and took it off her plate! WTF IS GOING ON IN THIS PLACE! Man that was the last draw heck I will fight the old lady why I think I might can beat her but all those country black taxes people! They would have whip me and my wife azz! And then made my children slaves! So to show just how bad I was! I took my black butt and got my tip and left a tip for them.My tip for them was wash that plastic spoon and sell it to get your TIP!peace pastorsvoice####

Saturday, February 16, 2013
firday night delight

It's the weekend baby! Friday night! Time to get hair right wash all that day dirt off brush the teeth get out all my new clothes out that I spent too much money for but the light bill will wait and if not well who cares they are on for not and it's Friday night! Right? Well now I'm looking so smooth just look at me! That's my picture and this is my party outfit! Some one will get lucky tonight. Well lets move into the night man the club is pack music is hot man a lot of fine women out here! At the bar let get a buzz and one two three drinks well I'm just about to get my swag on! Can't mess up the new threads why because I might have to take them back to pay my light bill! One two three more drinks and now I'm on a budget why need a girl and after the club she might need some food and I hope waffles and wings is open so I can get their $15.00 special got that down pat two can eat for that yeah boy big spender! Now I got a question why the more you drank the better the people look? Now it's late club is in it's last hour man all the good girls is already gone and all that is left is the one's that earlier I would not talk to but one two three more drinks and they don't look so bad! So time to make my move her head is big and she got a bad weave in but she look do-able Well we leave and she is not hungry. Good job! Why I need the $15.00 dollars to pay my light bill now pick her was not so bad after all she save me $15.00 dollars get to her room and now it's a win win night why I don't have to pay for a cab to get her home man this is look up more and more. Now she say get comfortable and let me change Bingo! It's booty time so I turn down the lights and she comes out the bathroom and a bad smell is in the room but I look over that why she is just in panties! But it's kind of dark because I turn down the lights I'm feeling real good and the drinks is kicking in but something is wrong she change! But I'm too close now we get on the bed and start to proceed to get busy! Man not now I got to go to the bathroom "ahw"!Run to bathroom and oh boy here's that smell again and on the toilet is that bad weave! I said to my self no! NO this is not happing I must have taken to long why I here a voice calling me saying Hey HEY what are you doing in here? Man the drinks is wearing off what in the heck is that smell then a big hair hand is on my shoulder and man I'm hating this now when I re-open my eyes I see lights and a big bouncer and he is piss why I fell a sleep in the club bathroom and they had done piss and put doo-doo on my faces! The new outfit smell like piss and vomit and It was all a bad dream because I past out in the club bathroom! All my money was gone and my light bill is do and to top it all off I did not even seen any girl these all was men in the mens room! peace pastorsvoice! ha ha you fool!

Friday, February 15, 2013
rejection is a dog!

REJECTION what a rush! Man you build your self up and get shot down like a duck in flight! Man you just know that you got this and Boom the biggest blow out you have had in your life! Most men don't mind but that bull! REJECTION is a hammer that just hit you in the nuts! Oh to you who don't have nuts it feel like when you get a cramp and it's your time of the month! Rejection don't stop the feeling makes some cry it make some jump and kill them self but some can fake the funk to the last tee! And the ones that say it don't matter YOU ARE LYING THREW YOUR TEETH! For those who have teeth. Think about that job, house, car, girl, boy, loan, bank note. Just remember who took a dump in your toilet and just left a floater in it. And admitted you really rejected that you had to flush it and then it stopped up the toilet and they blamed that missile on you! How rejected you felt they still gave you the plunger and said you will not never use my toilet again take a dump some where else you big doo-doo in the toilet one who always blame some one else when that your doo-doo in the toilet! See you want to tell them to kiss my big black azz! But Two things stop you from saying that! "One" You are not black! "Two" They is much much bigger then you and can kick your azz! so you plunge and flush how cheap and used feel! Freedom I cry freedom especially when you are locked up by the po-po, cops ,fuzz, the man! And he reject to let you out! When you and him know you want to go home. But he reject you and take you to jail! And no matter you tell him to stop playing let me out at this light and I will walk the rest of the way! And he still give you a ride! And don't ask any thing for gas! WOW! How nice of him and you said rejection is not a dog! Watch this you said lord kill me I want to die! NOW LOOK AT PICTURE !WOW EVEN GOD REJECTED YOU FROM COMING TO HEAVEN! All that heat hit you and all you can say I'm alright! what a load up bull! So when you read this and don't agree with it you have just have showed why it is a dog! Quick one when you gave them all your love life and limb them they say they don't want to be with you no more! The first thing you will say; "dog"! She or he don't want me! See I told you it was a rush! peace pastorsvoice#####

Monday, February 11, 2013

Well well man do we have so many choices! Every day bring on new choices! Just like man I don't want to get up! See that's in it's self is a choice.Why either you get up or get fired! Or you get up or get left! Man so many choices. All my life I always had a choice to make how about you? No need me to ask that because then that gives you another choice to answer or not or to be or not to be that's is the question. Hell no that is not a question! That's dum! Why I want to be living how about you?Man I tried to drown my self in the bathroom sink but I stop because I couldn't catch any air! My body said your mind might drown but we is not down with that! you on your own with that! So I had no choice but to bereave! I hope I spelled it right my spell checker gave me that word!I'm so smart! Why Do you when you got to go to the bathroom in a public place we go straight to the handicap stall! Because it's my choice the stall is all ways clean and neat. All ways toilet paper in there! And most of all why I and most of you who just won't admit that this is what you do.OK that's your choice!Now peep this! Have you drove up in a parking lot and it had no parking spaces all was there was handicap parking and you see a brand new car drive up and park! You are looking for some one to get out with a limp! But low and behold no one I mean no one has a limp or slow or some thing wrong with them that qualified them to park there!That's why I take a dump in theirs stall all the time.And don't let me see one of those fake handicappers sitting in one of those little shopping carts/hover-round.I really act up then I will get beside the with my cart and act like I'm going to run into them just to watch them jump off and say watch it!Fool I just did watch it! Just how bad you don't need that killing up those people batteries making their light bill go up making me pay more for my captin crunch!But you need to be kick out and stop getting your kix's yeah I bet your lucky charms if I hit you in your fruit loops you will say honeycomb on!So you think you are a golden gram!When my shopping cart run in to you you will be a bunch of nuts and don't call me honey!Because All you posts is nothing but all fiber that makes me use your stall in the bathroom you you frosted flake you!That's right you tricks is up THE FAKE HANDICAP COP IS HERE!!!!Ge your lazy sugar bear looking self up and act just like tony the tiger and say it's great!!To have so many pebbles under my feet! Stop you are not my pops! And we had enough of your kaboom's and always remember any new flakes you bring out don't even last why?Because every one hate a soggy mini wheat and you are so hard to be! Now that's my choice opps I drop my phone!The way it look now me and my punkin got to get smash! peace pastorsvoice#######

Friday, February 8, 2013
life's pressure

Life will way you down with it's pressure David Bowie had a hit song about this but that was just a song my pressure is real it can put you in a so dark place that light can't reach you at all your cry's go UN-answered your fears become real and all the things that can go wrong will happen!They say if you look for it.It will happen you bet your sweet azz it will! Take this blog and just read!Time can be a real dog!Why? If you put time and pressure on a piece of coal some it change Right? You get a piece of diamond!But pressure can change a good man into a dog!Or a good woman into a heifer! Pressure can move stuff that you had said is UN movable! Check this out tell you friends just how much your man do for you and watch them some one that the pressure had bust up will try and see just how good he is.They will start playing with him more and calling him trust me if the girl look fine and got a big booty and the twins is like pow! In his face you bet your great grandmother sweet azz on this one before long he is in those drawers!Or vice-a-verse this big and buff dude with a big print in front of his pants start telling her the thing that he hear from you that she like and you are not living up to all that you say!Boy she did not squirt for you but when you walk in and bust them she will be just like a water park wetting every thing up but with you she was just like the Sahara dry and dusty! Now your head long and your buddy gone and this is not your home!TO:The ladies it takes a strong man to say no to a naked good looking lady no matter how good your snatch is why there is only two kind:A big o'l good one or a good o'l big one understand? Just like MR. Martin say's if you love you man and he still cheat!Find a man that fit in where he get in what do that mean if you can't be with the one you love then love the one you are with! And if you are alone then love yourself!And to the one's that love the same sex if it trill you don't let it kill you! Just do you boo!Why pressure is a dog when it is you that is under pressure!peace pastorsvoice######

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Birthdays wow!

Well at 9:00 this morning woke up and it was my b-day yeah? Most people get so happy on their birthday well if you like it or don't.It don't matter! This blog is for you!Hope you can deal with it.Let's spit some words!Today I'm not old or young i'm half way in life but the back half but still kicking 50%of life and need 50% more! So much to do! But did so much. Loved and lost but my mind is fixed on this when my gut was not so big but my oil checker was long and strong don't get me wrong I can still check the oil but it don't go as long and as deep as it had been that what 50 years of oil checking get you gut get big nuts get long but the stick is worn by a pink oil container! See the more you check oil the better you think you feel but after time your dip stick get worn sure you brag about how big and long or how fat or small it is. But when the pink oil pan need to be check if you get a new pan it want you to check it deep long and strong! But when it been used so much it some how don't check it right so to all you old azz oil checkers stay with the first oil pan why just as you got short it got short too! Why your dip stick is the only dip stick that is doing the dipping!But as my day roll on I look in my heart and ask have I found what I'm looking for? Stole that from U2 I'm listen to and they still rock! So can I check some oil on my birthday you bet ya!Tonight I will get the room just right for oil checking smelling like a room of love and I will get in the oil checking mood and look at my oil pan and ask how low is your oil and when they say check it then all sparks will fly why it is oil checking time!What is I'm talking about HEY IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY AND WHAT BETTER GIFT ON YOUR BIRTHDAY IS BIRTHDAY BOOTY! Heck yeah birthday booty! and at 50 this squirrel has crack a lot of nuts and the oil ran out of the pan and wet the place up! and if this gross you out how the heck you got here!peace pastorsvoice oil checking time!B

Boom you pretty thing you!
Monday, February 4, 2013
why call me a lie?

Why call me a lie when you don't believe the truth? If I lie then you will think I'm telling the truth!Most people will accept a lie before the truth why? See if I tell you I been with five girls and we had mad sex you will say dream on but if I say mark and me been out to his house then you would say,"OK tell mark I said hey." When the first was the truth but the second was a part of the truth so really it was a lie. See this get me a lie is the truth with something added or some thing left out!Man why are you eat that up! Most will say tell me the truth but they will believe a lie first!Watch this most will ask have you been cheating on me and if you say yes they would say don't tell me that and ask the dumbest question why? WHY "what in the front door you mean why?"If you ask the question then be big enough to accept it! Don't come back with why then you give them chance to lie!And this bust it up all the way they will say "Ah babe it was a mistake!" How can you make a mistake and lie? See most will say I can't believe that they will do this to me!YOU BIG DUMMY!How do you think you ended up with them?HUH?They lied to the one before you just to get to you!My big mistake is I am to honest If you ask. Thats what you get ain't that what you asked for?"SEE THE south COMING OUT OF ME> "AIN'T" SO SOUTHERN!When I'm from Jersey. OK back to blog some times the truth is so blunt that it is hard to accept. EXAMPLE You know that your hair is nappy but because you don't want to comb it.Then you say it is natural! Liar!!! IT IS NAPPY COMB YOUR HEAD!HERE IS ANOTHER ONE WHEN DID YOUR MOTHER OR FARTHER HAD BLUE OR GREEN OR PINK HAIR I KNOW YOU GOT INDIAN IN YOUR FAMILY! RIGHT!Last but not lease when you look in the mirror why you lie to your self that you are so fine? when one eye is bigger than the other and your teeth has a bright sunshine on them and the big azz bump that you thought that all that makeup did not hide. Then you said "man I look good like that." I have one word for that {READ WRITING ON PICTURE PLEASE} PEACE PASTORSVOICE!!!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013
Oh no not your's!

"keep pushing and I will give you just what you want!"
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