You see I don't have to say that porn is bad because some like it a lot! And never would I put my likes and dislikes on no one! But I do have one thing to say about this I want you to be really real with your self! What is porn? to look at a picture or to watch a film but this is something you can't touch or feel can get into the action all you can do is wish and hope! Help me out on this one what good is it to see a naked tail and can't get none! Now for the young ones who never had sex or the stupid ones that can't get none well I guess it works for you. But to the rest that have a good sex life sometime it don't make sense! I'm a man why in the hell would I want to look at another man cock? This piss me off to open my page and a big dick is in my face! No I can barely stand to look in a woman tail when I know I can not stick it or lick it or feel it! Me I have never been to a strip club! Never had a problem of getting laid! Sorry you have to grow up when we was young we jacked ours birds! And every male child have played with his Johnson one time or another! But you grow up meet a lady and do the wild thing! But you have some that just love their hands! And they fall in love with making their bird puke! But any one who have been in love know that if you do it right you don't need boosters cables! You can bang your brains out and never had to used a book to start you! Lets put this out there. When you put your naked azz on line and all the wacko's see you and one find you and rape you don't get mad! Why rape of one who is minding their own business he need to have his dick stuck in his mouth! But to the ones that get on line and advertise nudity don't be shock when they come to full fill your ads! Now if you did not want no one to see why would you put it on the world wide web! Now some on here act out and feel what they see is what they can get. And I mean get! And now you are asking you self why did he do this to me? Well if you can't deliver don't advertise! This is crazy Why would you dress like you want to be bang but you don't. Well don't play with fire then you won't get brunt! But to the ones that like it go for what you know! But as for me keep your dicks off my page why I got A big black one to look at and it works fine! peace pastorsvoice!!!!! this picture is for the ones that is in love with your hand!

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