You know better!
You know it's not your day when you look up in the sky and it tells you that you are fucked! Mostget a sign that tells us but all the time you know better! But when life deals you lemons most say
make lemon-aid but I say start your own business with them lemons! Because life is not fair we
all ways have to go with the flow that we have. Answer this why strangers treat you and accepted
your accomplishments better then the ones who know you? We take a stand and the ones that is
suppose to be with you always is the one who cut tour feet out and crap in your face Why?
Is it when you got money the world is your friend but when you are down they step on you and
they feel like they did something!But this picture right here will say a thousand words

to others will come back on you but when all is said and done they all way want some one to help
them when you never did nothing but put people down talked about them and treated them like they
was a piece of crap on your shoe! But most will say i'm no doctor but I can say this one day you
is up and one day down so while you are up help some one so when you are down some one will
help you in my close I leave you this!
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