open your eyes
Who is you
This is me when I first started blogging and many told me why blog it's just a waste of time!
But down threw the years we have been into some subjects that was good and some not so good.
I guess you can say I am a human being or something like that.Well i'm on a real knowledge kick because we as a people have been striped of our birthrights,our true worship,our history,and our unity!For so long we have fought against one another stepped on one another lied on one another stole from one another killed one another cheated on one another! Out of all this one thing we have not did to each other is love one another! Now we can tear each other down so easy.We can plot and scheme how to take what one have so we can say "I got more than you!"
take another look at me and see how the years of trying to be what i wasn't have affected me!

This is the way your knowledge as a people must do! Grow! Find out who you really are. You may be surprise how much you don't know about you and you will see just how much you been clone into a race of people who was striped of their history and molded into a people of the masters choice! No this is not another kill whitie thing or white people is the reason i'm down! This is a eyeopener black tribes in Africa sold many of us to the jewish slave trade that was set up in america to auction us off to the white slave owners! And this was the curse that was put on the tribe of Judea for its dis-obedience to Yahuah! See most don't even know this read Deuteronomy 28:15 thru 68 and you tell me what people that all this been done to! Surely not the Jews you read about today! Sure Hitler did some bad stuff to them but America the home of the free and the home of the brave fulfilled the cruse that was place on us they used our newborn babies as gator bait! They took the wives of us and slept with them and told you if she act like she don't enjoy it i'm going to kill you and her and all the children! See how much you know!

Study and learn how you don't know or just don't want to know who and what you are Judea! But Yahuah is calling us back to the head and not the tail! Do you hear the call????????????
peace pastorsvoice
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