oh found my people

Oh! it's been a long step in life. My eyes has been open! So here is my spit on this! Each day my life was hidden away. Not by choice not by mind but by the spoken time which makes a whole line in the history which stole mine! My eyes has been open to the fact that the lie has broke the backs of many blacks in past time and in this time. Many cries so many lies that blows bye and look at you and say why you feel that you quality to be in line to be the chosen people and you know that history don't LIE! What??? Don't lie? let's see how much will this one flies! Hebrew101!
Well is this true this is my history? Not by the words that my own people taught me. We always been lower than a dirt that you walk on. To be real? We was not allowed to even see our own color in our own people first you tell my hair is nappy so you straighten it! You said my women was lesser that a animal because you said she has litters! Not babies! But you can up with a cute saying "Sleeping with the dog!" That your women said after you slept with your slave wife! But swing our people from trees because she said he looked at me! History historyEven the ones who teach the lies gives history the finger! We have woke up! Me as a blogger will not be silent no more! So get ready my mind is on! And to all my readers pastorsvoice is BACK! SHALUM SHALUM is my YAH! Now what next what ever he seen me just a seedplanter on his grind!
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