Wow! How many people that is not from the roots of the south knows this is not what you think when you read it! Now don't get me wrong there is a lot of good people in the south "but but" these are the ones that I have dealt with who will take that phrase and make you wish you never heard it especially from the ones you call family! First, let me say something in there defense, they were trained by the best. Were taught by the best how to smile in your face and completely screw you over and destroy your trust in people who you need to trust the most! They were taught how to rob you of your life, dreams, drive, esteem and do it all with a smile! and then say good morning like just a few minutes ago you said in your heart "I'm going to show him just how we southerners really are! And here we go playing the shell game find the pea and win a prize! What have we won? The prize is how low we go just to show you how no good we really are, but do kind acts just to make you think we are really close down here in the south!
Now look at the smile you get. See in there mind I can mess your life up and still say we love in the south! Don't be fooled! peace pastorsvoice! Shaulm! Oh P.S the O'jays said it best smiling in your face always want to take your place BACKSTABBERS!

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