Friday, December 31, 2021

Loose lips sinks ships!

Good day mates! Hope that your year didn't suck! Because if it did there is nothing you can do about it now! Because the year is gone many heads are long and we are wondering what are you waiting on! All year long they ran their mouth about you but guess what you made it! So what! You didn't get what you felt you deserved. This fellow needs some skin but did he get it nope! And the year is gone! And you still talking about losing weight, a better life , how you going to leave him, how next year you won't be so stupid to fall for the same mess that got you feeling like crap! Ok here's your ticket! All year long you have been an all day sucker! And you never listen to anyone! So now a light has came on and you lied to yourself about what's going to happen differently! OMG! What a load of crap! That's what got you sprung! "LISTEN LOOSE LIPS SINKS SHIP" What that mean just hold tight!
The picture say's "know your role and shut your mouth" In my the rock voice! and if you smell what the blog is cooking! The meaning of that phrase is "Your mouth can write a check that your butt can't cash!" See you talk to much you never shut up! All ways going on about how you were done wrong! Welcome to the real world! Stop talking and start acting, this is the last day of the year! You can't change your past but you can learn from it! Stop telling people all your business because they never has a answer to their own problem! How can they tell you about yours??? Most will tell you if I were you I
 would have did this or that! SHUT UP CLOWN! If you were me you would have done the same as me because you are me and that was the choice I made DUH!!
Do you know this name? Do you understand the words coming out my mouth! You need a savior and no man can do that! No bottle of wine or no blunt of weed or no pills can fill your ill's but when you can understand the name and obey it holla at your brother! Shalum pastorsvoice!


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