Well let me ask all who is in leadership! Who is this? And to all is this a lie or truth? Let me show how much knowledge YAH has given! Listen I'm just a seed planter so let's flow! In the torah bereshith 14:18 this man who is not a Levite Yah called him a priest for ever! Ok to the apocrypha reader you find him in the 2 book of Enoch 64-73 he is also found in Psalms 110-4 and it's only 7 versus! But this is where you newly found Black Hebrews have not taught or accepted because it take the place of that old Mosaic laws! Hebrew history teaches us about all the laws that were given by Moses and Aaron, but was fulfilled by the renting of the temple in two pieces. YES! the laws you black Hebrew have put back on the neck of the people who has been tricked again by religion!(due to familiar spirits) You are the new protestant movement! Because you teach great foundational history but you use that same history to control the people. "WOE TO THE SHEPARDS", because when I don't follow, your traditions THEN you say "how can you be a Hebrew or Christian or Judaism or Muslim or last but not the least one Catholic! And say you are of them?" That's why I'm SET-APART not any of them who is controlled by religion!

Mattithyahu7:16 says "You know them by their fruit!" Their teaching gives them away! How is it "who the son set free is free indeed! But if I let you teach me I'm still bound. How am I free?? You say I have to follow the way of a people who Yah him self destroyed because they would not listen to his voice! In Yohanan 6:32 Immanuel told us that Moses gave you no bread but from Yah's doing! But as always we change and start what is called RELIGON! Sorry but the black Hebrew movement is called the new Judaism! The study of the laws of the Levites! BUT we live under a RENEWED CONVENANT that includes both, one the foundation of what not to do! And the other shows what to do Psalm 37:37 tells you to mark!

This is the old testament perfect man! But we don't have a high priest in flesh anymore so if he was done away with how come his writing we put before Yah son's teaching? YOU NEW PHARISEES! Who hold on to Moses law not to teach what comes from not obeying but to set a standard like in Galatians 2:11-13 read it sometimes before you come with the law only! peace pastorsvoice! SHALUM TO YOU!