Saturday, December 31, 2011
so close
so close
Screaming in this land need to make a brave stand. Most movement goes in the favor of the bless and hell is for the rest. All my flight it’s me against the world! See all the time looking over my back wondering where the next knife coming from over and over it try to take me out but one step ahead of the bull that come and come keep it flowing not knowing how close oh so close but we were two people of the same kind but my mind stop believing that all might be with me but when time got close oh so close like a shadow in the night you was gone! but i ain’t mad at ya! just know that so close is not good enough!
kiss my bugs!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Off My Chest 1 a Daughter’s point of view
Somethings just cant stay on your chest, i guess we know this and in high school life was like sniffing boxes of roses completely ignoring the problems but we knew they were there and often the only thing we worried about was what we’re going to wear but then you wonder why your parents so stressed because they got bills you gotta eat and they’re trying to give you the best, its not only you your brothers and sisters too but your not the one to pry and often your the one to cry no one knows the dreams i have at night how i dream of better days to come, their so big they give me a fright but i know its reality i can put my parents in a nice house no worries no problems little sister in school math work she’ll solve’em my thoughts are every where but they work they’re way down to my chest, in my chest i have to get this off my HEART.
a daughter’s point of view
Saturday, December 24, 2011
post 66 real spit!
post 66 real spit!
I hate the hustle because it has no future no promise no freedom but I have no choice! just trying to just survive. I know how much you like to judge a preacher and you all say you have back slide on your faith!Let me deliver! You basically is what your leader say but what if I show you a better way to help you to get what you can’t comprehend Jesus called you because of what you have to offer why is it when you got save you became a molded christian not a saint for Christ! See Jesus never said the way to me is your way he told his followers if they are not against me then they are for me. My methods you might not agree! but in Rome do as the Romans. Not in their custom but in their way to get thing to agree! Oneness right! OK get this when you get in a church you become what your pastor is! Well if that’s good if that’s your way! But my way is clear I must help people who your holy-er than thou way some one got to get in the ditch but your church and faith would never let you get your hands dirty!But i can because what ever I become or what you may think my road is to do my job and if some don’t like the way of this preacher!Well keep on judging and i’ll keep writing and see you in heaven because one way or another we both will be there just one won’t stay! see ya soon!Oh P.S MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Friday, December 23, 2011
poor man destiny
All in this world you think that you know how hard it is.But you don’t know! Here’s a look in a poor’s man life in the south! Tonight no rhymes just strait words with truth!
How would you feel here on Christmas eve you look your child in the eye and say you won’t have nothing for Christmas! For all of you who have a good bank account it’s easy to say will she just have to wait! Or she have to understand! Well what about if check is spent out to bills and trying to stay in a rented house that at any time you and your wife two kids got to go!Yes it’s easy to say Merry Christmas when you have! But when you don’t have how merry is it to wake up and still don’t have.Or you should be grateful to be alive?Why because the life that you live will still rape you each day with no mercy and no justice! and no one cares! Set up to fail thats my destiny! And you can come with all the words you want! But in the end you will still sit in your nice house having a warm good Christmas!And we will still be waiting on a check that we know we won’t get not one red nickel out of just to keep a place to call home! peace!
this is real {ME}
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
show your self!
this is what you get!
Truth or dare? Makes me totally aware that everywhere life is now and i’m there!Just see how will you still read after you see me.Yes picture tells a million tales on a life that now i’m going to propel in this life prison cell that say we black males is set up to fail no matter how much we excel.NO that’s not my mail this story in a nut shell! Look at me and what you see just a man that finally is not ashamed of who he maybe! Just words in s brain that need to get out! Feed me or free me your choice?
Monday, December 19, 2011
lost for words
Why would you say i’m lost for words but you still is talking.Try to give me some non-making sense of your mind!Ok watch I will find your words and read your mind! RUM
RUM what in you mind comes this way that way you can’t say you can read my mind because you don’t have one! I don’t allow that when my mind is lock ! Now see what you got!All that you just read but is in your mind lost for words well I found them! peace pastorsvoice merry christmas!
he's breath is hot!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
intimidation stop the madness
Lots of the time I stay not on side per-say but on this one I do draw the line. True piece here.One day a man came home looked on the lap top and seen his phone pictures.But before you say so what! See his phone had already been stolen.Most don’t think this should piss him off but to be intimidated! On his Google + page with no phone but your phone post a picture! People in this day fell if they be brass or act like they don’t care most would be afraid of them. Listen stop fooling your self! Many is not taking this bull no more!Wait don’t think it’s the 80′s hey its 2011 in few 1 and 2.Look all is being said is this>[wack to my tick tac get bold you get back round and round we go this year we take no moe .Stop the madness a' bully' man i had it!See don't live by rules, That's is made just for you. See to be a bully now you meet you defeat!
just piss off
Friday, December 16, 2011
straight off the top
Seeing that my 40 years plus 8 get full of highs and lows I feel like my time is up;But I have just started!” A glass” most will say a glass half full of water which would you say half full or half empty? OK this is what I say{WHO CARE! Let me drank my drank} let’s
go:Off the top you must forgot i’m not the person who not stop until we got my right to spit this blog tonight! Who me? Set your meter how high can you get?straight of the top! Who I think NOT!Let’s roll to see how much can we do with half full or empty! Its glass that has drink in it if you are thirsty we drank! they stank if you don’t wash your baby it will be rank not how high or low I mean# Man change that baby! this is real life. like it or not free choice is why we is in the mess we are in now! ready? The wrong ones!
first world then you!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
up in a toke
IN the sixties it was toke toke pass pass most smoke and that no joke but now the look down on a weed smoker.Well here’s a word for all you HATERS that drink or don’t drink. Take pills to sleep to eat to wake up to loose weight or what ever flow your boat!
Lets flow: love this! Puff one puff two now where are you? in a daze feeling blaze moving in and out your brain maze how amaze is your phrase in these days! Burn good burn slow keep burning give me more late night jackpot in site your last $100.00 dollars for tonight if you gamble this would be bad but you are smoking and all you need is a $40.00 dollar bag and still $60.00 in stash.But most will say man weed is bad. You need to just ask your mon and dad! Most people once in life we tried this high. but drank and pill pop or sniff to get off but this is my point! do you or don’t you care? That weed never went anywhere!SO to all that hate weed and weed smokers. Guess what they don’t like you either! HA HA Word of a preacher peace pastorsvoice!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Weight the out come! Who wins? Most get cocky. And say “I beat hate all the time!”Watch out for that lighting bolt! Question? How can you beat what you can’t see! You feel hate you only see the reaction when hate is at work. Hate is all around you but you say you beat hate let’s see ! You hate your eyes you change them! You hate your hair you cut ,dye or buy! Everything about you you hate! May I go on! Hate your job hate your car hate your friend.Oh my god hate is about to win! Hate your last girlfriend and her mother to if hate is strong enough you just might hate you! Take your life divorce your wife hate has taken your rights! Stop and hear this is the end of the year! Still say on this very day that you beat hate! HECK NO JUST YOUR MISTAKE! peace pastorvoice feel me?
hate wins you lose
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
free flowing
free flowing
Lets flow:this blog is not for this season so if you are looking for ho ho you wiil get a most stern no no no!Come’on lets go! In this time the river of words flow thru my mind oh how blind these words clogs my time to push these rhymes so free and smooth line by line if me as the voice and you make a choice viewers get moist all hope is hoist beyond the ridge of the canyon of water that flow in your mind! Reach beyond the break and take the gate that all ways make us say what is at stake?To move in your face to put you in place then watch you race to try to get in grace by being soooo like a flake so just so FAKE! See how it be if words can move you groove you or to tell you that this is the season is about being for real are you here’s a test! Who is you for real? Bet even you don’t know next blog will find you! get that! peace pastorsvoice
flow like me
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
oh heck no you didn't!
OH Heck no you didn’t!
First lets get you in the news they say that your phone with is and android beware of malware or a bad apps!They said beware! Well I got a new something to watch out for! A kid in a car in piggy wiggly parking lot! Yes that right some kid in the parking lot stole my android phone this phone been in my life for one month and now it’s gone! Like a person who you really liked and now they are gone:-( this is two sad faces my phone the one I paid a lot of money for $20.00 dollars! that’s a lot! Right? Well me and my phone did every thing together. But one Sunday while driving my cab notice that i did not have wallet! So call wife she is a the pig {GROCERIES STORE} So I drive up to my pick up truck get out throw deuces at this kid in this car over on my left.OH DEUCES mean to give someone the peace sign with fingers but black style deuces two fingers up you get the picture!Listen put my phone on truck get my wallet and drive off in cab! go three blocks down road make a u-turn come back and my phone grew two pairs of feet and walked off my truck: Phone gone kid gone my face long my buddy gone now what is i’m waiting on?My smart phone was not so smart now it let it self get stolen if it was smart run a way just don’t sit there and let that kid take you! gosh! Android huh? transform like bumble bee and come home! need you smart phone! but you is long gone now! CRYING NOW NEED HELP THIS IS THE WAY MY PHONE LOOK! FIND PLEASE!
Have you seen it?
Saturday, December 3, 2011
ho-ho anger now page4
IN THIS BLOG THEY SAY WHEN YOU USE CAP’S LETTERS YOU PISS! 1 WAS CONFUSION: 2 WAS TENSION:3 WAS ROAD TRIP OR STRESS RELIEF BUT THIS IS ANGER PAGE 4:All the time you try your best to make people accept you and just be a friend not the sleeping with ones friends type! Not my point. Here’s my point:you try your very hardest to do thing right. But they all way feel that you is out to do something to them or lying to them or just out not real good enough for there crowd but in all breath you are my friend! I say this reply catch it here it comes:MOOSE’S NUTS!! How the heck is me and you friends? Oh my vulnerability make me want friends but my reality is that i just don’t fit in ! My bloggers page should read one who see that life give you a lot of MOOSE”S NUTS and COW”S BUTTS so where’s the beef?Not only at Wendy’s! But in the many people who we calls FRIENDS! peace pastorsvoice
Friday, December 2, 2011
Stress relief ROAD TRIP page3
Stress relief ROAD TRIP page3
These pages is on going story because 1&2 was stressing so how to break the stress ROAD TRIP! See this picture that was taking out of a moving 1991 S-10 prime out 4-Wheel drive truck that has a short in it but the motor ruins good so mix up it’s just me and my wife and truck! down I-95 to a big change in pace. Now let’s flow:Wait! You see {let’s flow get me in the blogging mode!}Come on! See the blue sea so wide and true.Guess what? Never been in a boat! Man”.Let me clear my throat! Hope floats! Just might make me cope! With any thing that promote peace and happiness. So pretty blue it’s reminds me of page 1&2 so strong and true! If you stop ,look and listen the style of this blog is not worth missing!Stress relief is why it is page #3. In the mind of the preacher! peace>>
Thursday, December 1, 2011
tension in this dimension
tension in this dimension page 2
Week in,Week out the same thing you piss your partner piss every one piss! I”M on egg shells you on egg shells no talk no touch no happiness!Well here is a free past to get past page 1&2! First be real.Stop saying what you think will get you out! Wake up you was never in! Why should you be in trouble for who you are or what you feel? If you is wrong for what you feel then the feeling is wrong not you! So what my feeling is wrong remember the one your feeling said we will be together for ever! BUT it lasted not a week! see tension in this dimension is our own goals we try to be what we are not!Well I feel that you never force what you believe on someone else!So if you read this use it to your own faith:Psalm 131{ in short}says:neither do I exercise myself in great matters or things to high for me!{REMEMBER THE ONE WHO YOU SAID THIS IS FOREVER!}Time is not your and it’s not on your side so stop tension in the dimension! peace pastorsvoice///
break the tension
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
balls of confusions
balls of confusions
To: Reader
From : Pastorsvoice
Page 1:
To my delight I have looked inside and this is what I see{“pushing and tugging on my most inner response just to see if my life was worth a crap!Maybe i’m hard on myself, aren’t most people?This confuse’s` me listen::Over and over do i go wondering why no matter how hard I try all my progress has so far left me not full fill.Trying to be the person to fit in the scheme of life but what is my life?Four Kids one wife two dogs and two goldfishes!Two sons gone and two girls still home but life goes on!How would you feel if it seem like all you do still is not enough!But you go in life with out any tools or knowledge of what the right tool to use? Ball of confusions in my brain and no matter how much you may say I got it >YOU DON”T DO ANY READERS FELL THE SAME? pastorsvoice
Monday, November 28, 2011
come to see
come to see
Come see what is there to see! Look real close and watch it come to view! They say you can’t see the forest for the trees. Right? Lets try these rules. See my structured test to see if it’s sound! View my roots as they go in the ground!.Deep in the earth i run come on follow me down don’t get afraid when you enter my avenues twist and trun while you learn that at any time. This straight flow came from my mind! Sample this sample that! and see just what you get! A journey in the grave death is near so what do you have to fear? As sure as a man live he must die now! Look in my eyes and ask me why is they so brown and round ? Expire you will your date in the street you see! Because when death come you don’t have to flee! Agree with what you get when you come to see! ONE MORE BLOG FOR you to come and see>peace pastorsvoice.
Friday, November 25, 2011
smooth like silk
Feel a little smooth lets flow:Sweetness in hand take pictures in the sand warm and close ah the most i ever boast. Feeling smooth like silk these words flow just as you melt and blend again and again in my pool of smoothness.My greatness my world my passion thrill me til my liver quiver and ride me til i sweat make me flow over and over because you pleasure don't need to be measure and wet is the best we can get no! no! don't cool down because your flow is smooth as silk!The motion is exciting work those moves on me.Stop! Now start do what you do just rock my world!1+1= smooth&sexy VIP is your name the best you demand here's the best right at your hand.When i get threw it's giving and getting in deep to your groove%% Man let me stop because these word tonight is for the LOVER IN YOU LETS GET IT ON.Do you feel like silk well this one is for you!Get in my mind and see where it takes you!!GOOD DAY MATE!pastorsvoice
most top 2
most top 2
Most top 1 was lost see how my blogs connect last blog was about lost data is this your weave?So now you know what happen if not.Then read my last blog! Now most top 2.WTW this is what is call most top.Do you know what that mean?Most Facebook,Google,twitter,G-Mail,Yahoo users will say ‘What the World or what tech. wants or rotflmbo means roll on the floor laugh my but off but it’s so easy to just use first letters in word to still tell what you say!BUT in a short time’. Right? OK lets try!Here’s your most top[ditytmtowl]Now what did i say? Most will say who cares! But for that one who have to know here we go(D is for didn’t I is for i T is for tell Y is for you T is for that M is for most T is for top O is for one W is for was L is for lost!Dawg do i have to spell it out to! LOL just me being me peace pastorsvoice
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
lost data is this your weave?
lost data is this your weave?
I’m so tried of each time you hit the wrong button or click the wrong tab all you have try to do is Gone! and i mean never to get back again it not like hair weave that you can find a braid here or one there! you know when your braid fall out and you are to ashamed to pick up your hair! See this is lost data! See a part of your data is laying on a black strip of a parking lot with no form of retrieval.Just lost! Now if you like weave help me out why is this{Before the rubber band or bow or the device that separate the bad from the good}See start at the forehead move back it is so tore up nappy or damage from all the lost data then like magic past the bow smooth,comb,pretty, and shinny take a clue red, purple,yellow,green and blue.Fix your weave because a tore up head this is sure not cool! FIX your head because I found you lost data on the ground! SAVE THE WEAVE IT”S LOST! ROTFLYBO
Monday, November 21, 2011
A mother’s pain
two son s
This is a painful blog to write.First to my Google + friend Amber D. best wishes thru her time of pain.Now this is a real life blog,Just in my own words.Hear the pain that insert it’s self in my life.How you tell a mother that life order has change for you! Your two son’s they won’t bury you but you will bury them two months apart.But the young one died so fast and so horrible that it play over and over you see this man stab your baby to death.But two months ago he stood and hold your hand at the oldest one death. Now neither one left! Help me to understand oh this is just god’s master plan.Sorry this don’t stop her cry and her heart wonder why! No there’s no easy reply! Just one tear floating on a face again!When it’s two dead,two months, one heart, one came.To A MOTHER’S PAIN. PEACE PASTORSVOICE GOD BLESS YOU!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
the black crow
The black crow
LISTEN TO MY FEARS: Deep in my hour of confusion this vision appeared a big black crow in flight he fly so high that he blocks the sun.Pushing me in darkness that I never felt before! Shaking and scared in my mind feeling like this blackness is my time.Slowly drifting in the blackness of fear in my mind.A voice break threw the darkness that the crow made:”Saying who are you and why are you here?”Feeling like help is on the way.Then voice said:”I am not here to help you just to make you stay.My heart skip my mind race so not wanting to be in this place.Brightness comes and to my suprise i’m just in another freindship of lies.True freind is hard to find even if the freind is just in my mind! peace==pastorsvoice
Friday, November 18, 2011
you don't know me
You don’t know me
This blog is to open the mind and eyes of people that think they know some one!Lets go : I know you and I know what you will do.Wrong ding dong you don’t know jack! If you know me then nothing I do should surprise you.Then why you say “I can’t believe you would do such a thing?”If i shock you then you don’t know me.Ask me why is my eyes fill with tears! It’s because all these years you answered my fears! You don’t know me. And all this was just mere stop in time that I once was.But now no more for I peer to see that life would be great if you only know me! My pain,my hurt,my lost .my cost,just to learn who i yearn and turn and burn to fill.When all the while i’m just a myth in the life’s seas.Because you don’t know me! Peace pastorsvoice
feel me
Thursday, November 17, 2011
take the brakes off
Take you brakes off
now you are wondering why is my life so hard. first it’s the people you are with the company you keep! Not true i’ll prove it to ya == if 10 people hang out and 10 people is broke if i come and take nine of the broke people away what’s left one broke person oh no that’s you! Nine people with no hopes,no dream, no goals,no money whats left one who have no clue at where’s they are at!So how to take brakes off >ditch the nine and get nine more that have more money then you! And i have a book i read think and grow rich stated:if you hang around millionaires you will begin to think like a one in all listen stop trying to live like you have a diamond budget when your mind is still on a coal level! get free and take off all the brakes! What brakes your friends. got you stuck ! And you are left with a big camel toe in your paints Ops! THAT’S YOUR FRIEND!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Passion Button
Buttons. Push Me, make me quiver, click me, make me shiver. Turn me and feel my passion. Push in the red and lets get some action. Passion buttons with warning signs. Caution and no walking, you must have a clear mind, Oh no there goes an alarm! Defense mode is happening and we’re fully armed. Touch another button start the count down: 5,4,3,2,1. Love is rushing, all senses are gone. If your wondering about Passion Buttons get with your lover and tell tem to push your buttons! Emotions explode sorry i’m in overload!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
you think you got swagg!
Ohh you fancy now! got your swagg on! Now your time to get a wake up call! here’s your call! 411 was information 911 was the victim your call is 311 why 311 here are 5 ways your swagg is busted one no money swagg not good! got a family swag in question! Trying to be what you’re not!Swagg not happening!These 3 is good but you got 1&1 left.1 not good driving your friend car and know friend will be at work but you tell I will pick you up in my car tomorrow.Last one is the best one: you can see that what you have is what complete you because it’s hard to know when you do know your self! It’s bad to be so stupid but yet so dumb that you lost the best part of you! and when it’s gone there’s went your swag! Oh my bad you never had it so you still lose! Peace pastorvoice
Friday, November 11, 2011
bite you old bitty
I know you say bite my granny but that's just the way I talk when all your life you get cold looks cold treatment cold shoulder cold welcome cold life this 48 years most people have been so cold it scary.We look for peoples places and things to give us a chance to fit in or to be accepted.But all is so cold i know poor granny isr the main course. Bite my grandmother is a good way of telling you don't ask for what you don't give on line in social network it's no better you act like you want friends but control is what you are really after.Back off old bitty you are too close to lose a tail feather.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
x-rays minds
x-rays minds
Some time you can see right threw me i’m so transparent but yet dark on the inside.My soul is your hiding place. Deep in the darkness of it you make a mold.Train the young ones how to love your self is the best words that ever been told! We beat on the span of my drums see when you put me to light you see my bones.But turn out the light and watch my mind shine! When you read this: you will say if you are that good what i’m thinking of now?Answer== You are thinking that why did i fell for this x-ray mind! Who,what,where and why? This guy think he can read my mind.If you read them words then I just did got ya! Just read your mind!
Monday, November 7, 2011
check this trick
check this trick!
What? Your next step may be the most emotional step you take ! Well you was told.See your way is what you see and want.You think that all you do it’s right and what you say is the last word. OK check is on the way this trick is tripping!The power you got I gave you.When you went all out to show just how prideful and stuck in self happiness to only prove that only you can love your ways.My giving is to see that peace is restored and that’s your power! But now it time to check this trick now! No peace you should get until you give me my respect! Now sit down and see how low you make me be. Instantaneously the flip flop change now what it may be.I have check you trick guest what that trick the trick is me! Be aware of who you may be! PEACE PastorVoice
check your self
speed limits
Many of us in the USA know about speed limits not only us but around the world when you go to fast you get a ticket! Wouldn’t it be great if we can take these laws and put them on the lawmakers who make the law.Why because they have no limits on how much they can say one thing and do another! If we can put both parties on the road and do like the highway patrol and give them a big fine then they won’t be so quick to do the stuff that they do to us!We trust who we put in office.And what do we get a bunch of
speeders that don’t never get a ticket! But me and you have to pick up the bill! Yes a 11million dollar bill. That we give a free past and no ticket! Yes no ticket we have a debt that we can't pay but Libya gets 11million more miles on the limit! Hey law makers the people just been deputize we is now the highway patrol and from here out we is giving out tickets your lost of the place we voted you in to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!peace
Saturday, November 5, 2011
AH push it
Ah push it!
Now this blog is now for the one that wear feeling on their shoulder because this WILL knock it off! Here we go:Stop with this bull that all men are equal you meaning of equal and mines is two way different ways yours is on the outside that you like the equal but when my back is turn here’s come a knife pow in the back then you smile and say what’s wrong?Like you don’t know! push it ok you are the most undercover dick I ever seen with friends like you who need a brain to see you are a social dick who stick his head in anything that tear me down so here to you next time you screw me use some K/Y jelly his and hers so if i’m the one getting screw at lease I will like it so no more dry screwing me! because i’m all screwed out!pastorsvoice
More photos from eddie martin
Friday, November 4, 2011
lost in this town
lost in this town
Trying to get my mind to say Ok you are in a place where no hope no pay now stay and feel what it’s like to be so broke that it don’t matter that the sun go down at six o:clock and the town follow the sun and go down. no this is real life here where i’m at trying to reinvent my self. Here it’s all hands and no brains the three d’s is in charge here what is the three d”s one dope dealer two drug user third drug convection you can’t find a job here but that is every town right?Well I know this if you come here you are going down. in this town save a poor soul like me don’t need your charity will work in my mine and need to go home HELP ME I”M IN THE Twilight zone!
welcome to my world
Thursday, November 3, 2011
the power of one
the power of one
YOU know when “the one” is someone who you are having a lot of fun.Out for a run now here he comes;You look your heart shook and your soul said this is the one! you poke he poke now you realize one life, one time, one mind, one place,is it safe?One chance,one glance,one enhance, one embrace,Oh no not this place! One move, one grove,one dude,who you said is the one! one haste,now one on one;one soul,one to hold how can one be so bold,as I tell you about the one that fit all your love one love is so so cold just stay with me and lets grow old while reading this one blog that you know who told!pastorsvoice
my one
feed the pig!
My blogs normal be about things that’s in my life.But now with the way life been beating me this blogs is out of anger, frustration,and no cash!Peep this:All your live you pay taxes.No matter how much you pay you still feed the pig if unemployed you feed the pig,if you work you feed the pig,sell drugs,feed the pig,dead or just die,you feed the matter what the pig eats rich get richer, banks get bigger,wall street get paid,car company get save, but the poor becomes slaves I feel like what most people never feel in their life like a brought slave why I work all my life and fed the pig now it’s time to eat that fat pig there’s no pig for me if I smoke crack or get drunk out my mind each day or play like i’m crazy then a check I can just blow on my habit but when you are just a used slave you get nothing!! I hate the pig do you?
slave for sale
[caption id="attachment_86" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="sold to the pig"][/c
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
line is draw
line is draw
Got a tale to tell about a man that was put in a jam.This could be you! Two days before Thanksgiving is the turning point in this man life.Went to my son house on top of the world.Got back to my church and home and all my good was gone! Some men came in and stole all away.if JOB[bible name]had it bad well this is what he had. No home nor church, now 1500 dollars lease time but 400 dollar is all he had.7years he lease this place.400 is not enough now out on your home,no church no place.what to do hey have some faith! just stop and draw a line in the sand .Now say god give it and god take it away! Right? let this happen to you and lets hear what you will say! lol pastorsvoice
false advertisement
false advertisement
False Advertisement
In the book it’s say’s:Lord my heart is not haughty,Nor mine eyes lofty:Neither do I exercise myself in great matters,Or in things too high for me! STOP right there! most companies should read this before saying something they can’t possible deliver. NO way in gods green earth do they speak mine or yours langue! Our’s is 24hours that what you are told.But theirs is got your money now I put you on hold! No way in this day you get what I say! Make you feel like {man where is my stuff don’t make me get rough and get your tail beat all the way up} tip never think what they say is what you get!!!!!!!!!! ‘Piss all the way off”peace$$$$$$$Pastorsvoice
Monday, October 31, 2011
This is a wake up call to the world! The love of many has wax cold no more mister nice guy nor can I help you days is gone! most people will past you by and don’t give a ###%$# wish I had a clean word to say!BUT there is none! Because we have become a king of the hill world where your help is for someone to step on you and you just better like it because i’m king of hill and you is my stepping stone. When is we gonna to see together we stand and divided we fall! IF help is what you are giving start at home many family’s here in the USA need you but what do you do! Line your pockets off our blood, sweat, tears!! Give back or what you have will not LAST! peace>pastorsvoice
Saturday, October 29, 2011
flash back
Deep in the span of time here is a face that have enter in my mine! Just a face that I can not place. Who is this face?I know you and you seem so kind.But a name to this face I can not find!Fast far is not a crime.If I just can put a name to this face in my mind!Your eyes are brown and your hair is black Why why do I get these flash back! Who can it be now. To see how it’s effect my stay.If we all can say just a face in my mind. Hold up! This face that I see can it really be that this flash back is me! TIP>>Life makes you look in the mirror and sometime you forget just what you see! speak to your soul and do you like what you see?
heat up my mind
Deep in the span of time here is a face that have enter in my mine! Just a face that I can not place. Who is this face?I know you and you seem so kind.But a name to this face I can not find!Fast far is not a crime.If I just can put a name to this face in my mind!Your eyes are brown and your hair is black Why why do I get these flash back! Who can it be now. To see how it’s effect my stay.If we all can say just a face in my mind. Hold up! This face that I see can it really be that this flash back is me! TIP>>Life makes you look in the mirror and sometime you forget just what you see! speak to your soul and do you like what you see?
heat up my mind

More photos from eddie martin
eyes over the pillow
eyes over the pillow
Man looking across the room and what do I see eyes over a pillow looking at me one was blue&yellow&neon&orange&purple&plum not only all but color but these eyes was watching me then a mouth call out to me and said i’m still hungry. Whoa to my surprise these eyes had a body the body was about 7 years old and it was hungry!Taco bell was not enough!Now its time for me to get off my but.Because Polly and Poo was ready to do the feed me thing but there was no one but me what to do when a stuff turtle and a 7year old baby say i’m hungry.Man its time to get in the game.Now my day is about to start. And this 7year old and her stuff turtle really is my heart! To Alexia and Polly I give this blog<>pastorsvoiceFriday, October 28, 2011
Monday night there won’t be a blog! WHY? i’ll tell you why this is the night that the unalive or the dead in caring of what you say we will take control of your body.Most people will watch there’s life change BOY you better hear me those things change and become your worst nightmare!SEE i have a 7YEAR OLD CHILD who she is so ready to transform to the candy junkie she is. Hear me talk would you: Nothing else matters now blood guts and fears.See you never encounter those drug dealers that hide on porches and give out their drugs and my baby is hooked!One night she will be my little junkie and i’m transportation to her drug deal.How many poor people go thought this but LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT.Happy Halloween pastorvoice
Monday night there won’t be a blog! WHY? i’ll tell you why this is the night that the unalive or the dead in caring of what you say we will take control of your body.Most people will watch there’s life change BOY you better hear me those things change and become your worst nightmare!SEE i have a 7YEAR OLD CHILD who she is so ready to transform to the candy junkie she is. Hear me talk would you: Nothing else matters now blood guts and fears.See you never encounter those drug dealers that hide on porches and give out their drugs and my baby is hooked!One night she will be my little junkie and i’m transportation to her drug deal.How many poor people go thought this but LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT.Happy Halloween pastorvoice

no more pain
blogging will take your heart when I try to make my voice be herd all the while not hearing a responds make me feel so low and scared.That all I write which became my life it just don't seem right.That night after night hoped to see the my blogs take flight.Now time after time i'll write with all my might! but they still don't take flight . My pain is very real stop and think how would you feel if you put all heart and soul in something that don't seem to be for real to blog is a treasure! But when there is no traffic.Hurt and pain you can't measure just to see all your work don't even matter. TO the world of bloggers that feel you is the best slow down and think of the rest because before there was you WHO was the best? Realize that when you get ahead someone you step on feel your shoe tread on my head or my back to give up never do that!No more pain! and this is not a game!<>pastorsvoice
blogging will take your heart
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Way back in time when there was a human remote&antenna if you was outside playing your heart out your mother will call her remote in and change the channel or the TV lost it’s signal and she want you to move antenna.Well now days the new remote&antenna is dish&direct T.V this stuff is the new antenna up on t
he roof top here we go move dish and you holla what do it look like?Some one at the TV and one at the dish Man don’t this make you remember the day! To you who don’t know what up take a look at tv land and see what up!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
bottles up!
just got home feeling really mystic and frisky thinking that after all that happen hey lets get busy. looking down the road and it hit me!If I go to a bar I just might get tipsy.Bottles up 1,2,3 now just got lit.Flame on sip sip.Boom here I go 1,2,3 more. by this time i;m really cock.1,2,3 more just can't stop! Bottoms up is the tune for tonight!All of this blog reader look at the picture and hope you can be there!Bottles up to your night.1,2,3 drank up and get right!Sometimes you just get pump.But if you drank 1,2,3 then what's up?
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Bad day
a bad day
Today may I say please please go away like the rain go go away when you look at this blog you will say bad bad day go away check it :Off to a job that I hate! But if I don’t go no money will I make. Zoom Zoom off i go. Knowing in my body i’m doom doom and my body say’s no ! At the clock ready to punch in. To my surprise i’m fired again!What the hick! What do you think that’s crap! And now I have do just that.Off to the restroom need to go. But the guard said you don’t work here any more.Wow now in my personal delight.All this happen some where last night! What a bad bad day in my life!
lost connection
Don't unplug my voice from the world because to be silent is a tragedy. The sound of music make the world.Voice is the driving force to every thing.Don't believe? OK God said let there be light and light came forth to show voice is king!Not king?Now connect to this:Hear the words now while you can because when your voice is gone then you are gone.All the famous voices that are gone. Your's and mine's must carry on what ever you may say let your voice ring out loud today!Feel voiceless OK hear is my voice. Now what do you have to say.[peace_oh so deep##pastorsvoice]P.S how big is your voice?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
edge of dreams
edge of dreams
Peep this:Most ordinary people just dream of a different life you movers and shakers live a different life here’s my poem closer and closer dream seems to come true you think. But when you are at the edge of you dreams then you stuck!All my life I worked with my hands and still did not have nothing but dreams of how life can get better. You say move to city but that’s a pitty because new town same demons of not having then more people that has more but you is still at the edge of your dreams. Success never came in the way of freedom of struggling to make ends meet.In my life I have my dreams now that age has come as you will see my life is close to the end of my dreams>words of feeling in my heart
don’t leave me behind
don’t leave me behind
In this age I feel like my mother’s age felt when Woodstock was in the mind but 1970 change all most people was stuck in the flower power age and was left behind this is me now see the dog chasing at the lady shoe that's me at the age of 48.That what inspired this:moving as fast as the seasons come and go.As you get use to one thing here’s come another and before you know it you say:”Don’t leave me behind”!2011 is not like 1977. 1963 I came to be but now you can see the problem I have with me?Getting it done is now left to me feeling in a daze try to be so kind.TO THE WORLD DON’T LEAVE ME BEHIND! Two blogs in a day now what you say[peace==pastorsvoice
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