Friday, December 31, 2021
pastorsvoice: Loose lips sinks ships!
pastorsvoice: Loose lips sinks ships!: Good day mates! Hope that your year didn't suck! Because if it did there is nothing you can do about it now! Because the year is gone ma...
Loose lips sinks ships!
Good day mates! Hope that your year didn't suck! Because if it did there is nothing you can do about it now! Because the year is gone many heads are long and we are wondering what are you waiting on! All year long they ran their mouth about you but guess what you made it! So what! You didn't get what you felt you deserved. This fellow needs some skin but did he get it nope! And the year is gone! And you still talking about losing weight, a better life , how you going to leave him, how next year you won't be so stupid to fall for the same mess that got you feeling like crap! Ok here's your ticket! All year long you have been an all day sucker! And you never listen to anyone! So now a light has came on and you lied to yourself about what's going to happen differently! OMG! What a load of crap! That's what got you sprung! "LISTEN LOOSE LIPS SINKS SHIP" What that mean just hold tight!The picture say's "know your role and shut your mouth" In my the rock voice! and if you smell what the blog is cooking! The meaning of that phrase is "Your mouth can write a check that your butt can't cash!" See you talk to much you never shut up! All ways going on about how you were done wrong! Welcome to the real world! Stop talking and start acting, this is the last day of the year! You can't change your past but you can learn from it! Stop telling people all your business because they never has a answer to their own problem! How can they tell you about yours??? Most will tell you if I were you I would have did this or that! SHUT UP CLOWN! If you were me you would have done the same as me because you are me and that was the choice I made DUH!!Do you know this name? Do you understand the words coming out my mouth! You need a savior and no man can do that! No bottle of wine or no blunt of weed or no pills can fill your ill's but when you can understand the name and obey it holla at your brother! Shalum pastorsvoice!
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
pastorsvoice: freedom of speech!
pastorsvoice: freedom of speech!: I'm lock up in my speech! Inmate one books make a deposit ! You see my book because here in this country speech is not freedom! The firs...
freedom of speech!
I'm lock up in my speech! Inmate one books make a deposit ! You see my book because here in this country speech is not freedom! The first amendment comes with a lot of strings! We have become a nation who "don't want to offend" Shut the front door! Offending people? Most people can dish it out but can't take it when it comes back to bite you in the butt! Ragging people been around as long as a court jester was alive! If I got on some thing that I know not to wear! "Like this" I'm shape like a barrel but now I got on skin tight clothes with spandex pants all my rolls is showing the line in the pants that should be in the back but now it's on my side ok you need to be just like this picture here!
Stop trying to control everything! Man give me a break! You sit behind a desk skin begging for some vitamin C" never had a friend in your whole life but now you got some power on this social media job and you fart your way into someone post and say that is inappropriate! No what is Inappropriate is you sitting there with a diaper on because you made your self captain save-a-lot! This is enough of this restriction!Just what the picture says! Peace pastorsvoice! Shalum happy season for giving!
Stop trying to control everything! Man give me a break! You sit behind a desk skin begging for some vitamin C" never had a friend in your whole life but now you got some power on this social media job and you fart your way into someone post and say that is inappropriate! No what is Inappropriate is you sitting there with a diaper on because you made your self captain save-a-lot! This is enough of this restriction!Just what the picture says! Peace pastorsvoice! Shalum happy season for giving!
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
2021 wow! This year is a year of pure depression! You start your year off in the house so your New year resolution went bust! Most always says this year i'm going to lose weight! but because all you did is eat and eat and eat some more! So most get depress about their weight some just feel isolated so alone some feel like the walls is closing in on them! And this virus seem to change it's mind at the drop of a dime! Listen "I'm strong but I'm tired!" is the phrase of 2021! We are in a fight for our lives! Each day you don't know what to expect. Who can say my life is the way I plan!
Life has a way of showing you who is really living this life! We always think we make the choices that is made but life leaves you no choice but to go in the way it is going! Our brain make you feel so powerful ! But in fact we are on a path that has been set before we were even born! Your life is pre-planned the blue print has been set, the choices has been made, and you only has two to choose from! Right or wrong and both paths is already plan but the bad thing about it is you won't know which is which until you made it!
Then we are saying "save me" because this is not what we figured the way it's suppose to turn out! 2021 is a year that made us more depress, more lonely, more lost, more hopeless, but all who is reading this the virus has not won because you are still here!"Im strong but tired!
Shalum pastorvoice!
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Monday, December 6, 2021
pastorsvoice: what happen to a boy friend and girl friend ?
pastorsvoice: what happen to a boy friend and girl friend ?: Shalum to all that reads this blog! Look at this picture and understand the meaning! What ever happen to this Quote "girl friend or ...
what happen to a boy friend and girl friend ?
Shalum to all that reads this blog! Look at this picture and understand the meaning! What ever happen to this Quote "girl friend or boy friend"? Now a days you don't know what is what. One will say this is my friend, partner, associate, or just my thing thing! The face of relationship has change so much trust is never in the picture because being honest about your feelings are out! Most lie so much and the word LOVE doesn't mean squat any more. The phrase "I LOVE YOU" only means let me hit that! Or if you can hit it and quit it so can we! Women and men are good with this friends with benefits! NO strings attached is todays rules.Them two words in that picture has lost so much power not because they don't exist it's because the people has lost value in them! Its more about one's own self than the welfare of the group! Blood, honesty, commitment ,respect, trust has been erased out of the power of these two words. And now they mean nothing! Marriage is something you work on not something that gives you a free ticket to screw! Each day you ask your self "What am I doing right or wrong?" See, family, friends, relationship, and manners, has been left out of this phrase! I'm not going to raise my children the way my mother raised me! Oh, no one else better not beat my kids! Heck you don't raise them to respect any one, that is old enough to be their parent.See when you don't teach them the police kills them because the child only knows that no one outside of the house can touch me! So when they acted out this causes six people to carry them to their resting place! Don't ever think that I'm giving a pass to the police for them doing the dumb things that they do. Remember, they are taught to fear and act against the men and women especially if you are black! Listen, STOP! throwing away what made you a respectable person! Love is action not words or feelings because both have lied! SHALUM TO ALL! Pastorvoice!
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
A long mile!
Every day as I walk threw the streets of my eyes they take me down a road that seem so lost!
Time and time again I see how people say there is change and in a way they are right. Faces change but the same shell game goes on in our walk to just be free! Now we was told freedom was free but that is the biggest lie ever was told freedom comes with a price! We always have to have a strength like no other to make it! Our eyes have seen so much of the past in the present! I'm hated in so many ways by people who I never met. Today my heart is in turmoil not because I did any harm to anyone not because I stole or cheated or stroke anyone, I'm looked on as less than who I am. I'm hated for been a man, Hated for wanting more for my family. Just one day I hoped I don't have to tell my children this "true statement here!" Because you are my child you are not going to be treated fairly you are not going to get a fair playing field you are not going to be equal to who you see go after the same thing you are striving for!
Listen that was then not now right? Wrong I can walk down the street listen this is true life where I live I'm hated by those who still fly the flag of hate in my face I go in a Asian restaurant they look at me like I'm ready to rob them even if my money is in my hand! Try to eat in a Indian own place never did anything to them or said anything out the way but I get why are you in here! Not only them when my people work for them they have such a nasty attitude toward me for no reason! Now this is today! Even the Mexican people that came on their own freewill look at me like I'm second class when if it wasn't for our backs none could come and have a life! Wow I'm hated because my skin is ruddy and my faith is in YAH!I believe there is good people but listen there is nothing new under the sun! This world has gotten more hateful than ever. We live where the love of many has wax cold! Today just do this for me all who read this Be grateful for all the souls who life was lost so you can just be grateful! SHALUM TO ALL!Pastorsvoice!
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Saturday, October 9, 2021
The power of a black woman
HEY HEY to all the readers this is just a great look back at this black woman who had four more mouths to feed but took us in a black 69 Chevrolet from Elizabeth New Jersey to Winston Salem and from North Carolina to Darlington South Carolina all by her self and raise these four children by her self! The picture say's I CAN DO IT! To all the queens no matter of race or color this next picture is for you!
Hey most of the time things get so hectic and it seems like no hope in sight! But you have a power that you need to tap into and a praying woman you can't beat her, come up, when she bend her knees. This power the woman has is so powerful if she only taps into it. When she get in that groove you can't beat her, Yah will move for a praying woman. Most of this generation don't know about a praying parent! But you know about getting curse out! Check this out please! Now look at this picture!Do any woman on this planet understand that only she can carry life in her and no matter how much science try to play the most high it can't compare to the power of the womb! One more thing! Can any one relate to this picture? Can you be this in this time? where is my queens! Step up and take your RIGHTFUL place! shalum pastorsvoice!
Friday, October 8, 2021
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Southern hospitality
Wow! How many people that is not from the roots of the south knows this is not what you think when you read it! Now don't get me wrong there is a lot of good people in the south "but but" these are the ones that I have dealt with who will take that phrase and make you wish you never heard it especially from the ones you call family! First, let me say something in there defense, they were trained by the best. Were taught by the best how to smile in your face and completely screw you over and destroy your trust in people who you need to trust the most! They were taught how to rob you of your life, dreams, drive, esteem and do it all with a smile! and then say good morning like just a few minutes ago you said in your heart "I'm going to show him just how we southerners really are! And here we go playing the shell game find the pea and win a prize! What have we won? The prize is how low we go just to show you how no good we really are, but do kind acts just to make you think we are really close down here in the south!
Now look at the smile you get. See in there mind I can mess your life up and still say we love in the south! Don't be fooled! peace pastorsvoice! Shaulm! Oh P.S the O'jays said it best smiling in your face always want to take your place BACKSTABBERS!

Friday, May 7, 2021
"The bird cage syndrome"
Good day mates! Look at this picture! And read it carefully what does it say? This is a true story! First, how many ever thought that your freedom is really controlled by what you were taught? We as adults feel like we can control any part of our life if we focus hard enough! See living in a place where you pay to stay that suppose to be your home, who else has a key? Who else have the right to say you can't put that there or you can't paint your own walls! Oh my bad this place is only partly yours and only if you do what the other key owner says! So who else has a key to your home? Listen this is so crazy! At this time this is a place where we had no choice but to accept. And really needed a place to go my wife was sick in the hospital and we had only being married 1 1/2 years new to each other had to make choices on the fly! So we looked at the advertisement and the place had a pool, tennis court, basketball court, and a soccer field in its advertisement! Wow we was ready to move! Paid our money packed our stuff gave notice and hitched up! But that was not the way we figured it would have went keep reading lets see what happen next!
So we go to the new place didn't even look around but its not ready! So motel here we come! Listen eight people in one room two men and rest women. In this room my wife became very ill! Now we are paying for room, U-Haul truck , food per day and this beautiful place we seen in the advertisement was not ready. Ok one night our car was broken into stole all my wife stuff not only that we has a special needs child who kept asking why they stole her phone and pocket book and the phone which was not even on! But this is not all! They loosen my steering rod on my truck and soon as my wife pull out the parking lot "BAM" the tire rod came out now we are homeless one car broke all important cards stolen this big U-Haul truck and room is burning up my cash and now the storage bill is due! Man is this a good move?
Now time comes to go to the place where we paid for! Ok we get here and the pool is a pond that pool slime has cover it, basketball court is a asphalt spot with two broke portable goals, and tennis court we have not seen even until this day! And that soccer court is a big un-cut field that snakes and rats, fire ants, and dead animals bodies are in it. We went from pool ,nice people, and good neighborhood to the place from "HELL" nothing worked in it mold every where and they fixed nothing in the three years we have had at lease five different owners who took our money and fixed nothing! OUR BATHROOM BEEN RUNING FOR TWO MONTHS STRAIGHT! DON'T COOK ON THE STOVE ALL YOU FOOD SLIDES TO ONE SIDE OR THE WHOLE POT SLIDES OFF THE EYE AND THE OVEN HAS ONLY TWO SETTING ON AND OFF NO TEMP SETTING !And this owner had the nerve to asked if he can raise the rent on a place that in summertime your temp in the house is five degrees below what ever the temp is out side and that is with the a/c running full blast! And this is what they told us because we are on the top apartment our house acts like the roof of the house hard to keep cool in summertime! WTW?? Sorry no more bird cage for me I'm on a mission to buy land and house! hehe this was a nightmare! SHALUM SHALUM to you Pastorsvoice!
Monday, April 26, 2021
I see your tears!
As I sit in my living room shots rang out in the night, A door slams! Some one just got shot! See in the housing projects this is a every day thing, "Life is just for the moment!" Because if you dream, life has a way of changing those dreams. See you live in a house with a yard, good neighbors, who watches out for who come in your yard! Kids just run and play, You sit on the porch so nice and to be honest that is a good life! But that is only one side here's another side where you live in housing not a house but housing your yard is the parking lot\playground\BBQ party\prayers meeting is the grounds of our housing! Where Your neighbor is looking for that come up and what you have may be on the menu! When your kids go out and run and play don't blink or slip! Because as we used to say "YOU WILL SEE THEM ON A MILK CARTON MISSING"! Today I'm writing truth and my real life. 57 years old in life and asphalt and concrete was my beginnings! And again I'm writing to you from a place like the beginning! We see each day how some one died. Your mind goes numb! And after awhile the shock is no more! Each day in housing be one your 100% because in here we all needs a helping hand! Not ghetto fabulous! Because this is real life not movie Talk! REAL LIFE!She got a gun! bang bang! Now he is trying to run! As he feels the heat of the bullet! Hitting him! NO! This is not about some sad case of police killing, NOT THIS TIME! This is life in housing! Not some distance stranger but some one who made you smile, someone who would ride or die with you. This is the mother of your babies! But just like that the road it always has a curve in it! Now the cries of the children echoing out in the night blue lights every where 10 deep and now the play ground has sheets! Now he lies in the streets like a piece of meat as they load him up and take him away now red lights mix with blue!This is the meaning when a flame is in our hands what do we do with it? Each road that has a curve in it change direction MY YAH IS THE CURVE! Let's change our direction before someone blows your candle out! Shalum Pastorsvoice!
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
dominion takers!
Hey hey hey this is one of those blogs that will make you say "for real"! Hehe this phrase Dominion Takers now I looked this phrase up and in all its language it means the same as a noun or a verb English or Aramaic or Hebrew this phrase is awesomely put! I search and I saw churches, groups, places that use this phrase but when you study this phrase its powerful straight to the point and does just what it means! The phrase definition means in all language, its grants humans the right and responsibility to rule and to govern the rest of creation! Wait there is more. It establishes a hierarchy of power and authority, in which, the human race is positioned above the rest of the natural world! Now how can you ever take a phrase that means the same no matter what language you use!Ok how can you take control and manage this. Water is so powerful that it can cut metal, rock, wood, and glass. Water is used but our oceans is a world that never had this phrase to happen to it or in it, a dominion take over never happens. If so, the ocean
will not be an oceans anymore! People have not only taken over land but they feel like one is better than the other! Question, is one race better then another race? Is white better then black? Is blue darker than purple? How can we fix what was never made to be fixed?
How can you hold it in your hands? What dominion do you have over this we take for granted that nothing is ours we own nothing and no matter what you may feel no one can tell our father what to do !Peace pastorsvoice! Shalum shalum!Monday, March 29, 2021
Well another question!
Well let me ask all who is in leadership! Who is this? And to all is this a lie or truth? Let me show how much knowledge YAH has given! Listen I'm just a seed planter so let's flow! In the torah bereshith 14:18 this man who is not a Levite Yah called him a priest for ever! Ok to the apocrypha reader you find him in the 2 book of Enoch 64-73 he is also found in Psalms 110-4 and it's only 7 versus! But this is where you newly found Black Hebrews have not taught or accepted because it take the place of that old Mosaic laws! Hebrew history teaches us about all the laws that were given by Moses and Aaron, but was fulfilled by the renting of the temple in two pieces. YES! the laws you black Hebrew have put back on the neck of the people who has been tricked again by religion!(due to familiar spirits) You are the new protestant movement! Because you teach great foundational history but you use that same history to control the people. "WOE TO THE SHEPARDS", because when I don't follow, your traditions THEN you say "how can you be a Hebrew or Christian or Judaism or Muslim or last but not the least one Catholic! And say you are of them?" That's why I'm SET-APART not any of them who is controlled by religion!
Mattithyahu7:16 says "You know them by their fruit!" Their teaching gives them away! How is it "who the son set free is free indeed! But if I let you teach me I'm still bound. How am I free?? You say I have to follow the way of a people who Yah him self destroyed because they would not listen to his voice! In Yohanan 6:32 Immanuel told us that Moses gave you no bread but from Yah's doing! But as always we change and start what is called RELIGON! Sorry but the black Hebrew movement is called the new Judaism! The study of the laws of the Levites! BUT we live under a RENEWED CONVENANT that includes both, one the foundation of what not to do! And the other shows what to do Psalm 37:37 tells you to mark!
This is the old testament perfect man! But we don't have a high priest in flesh anymore so if he was done away with how come his writing we put before Yah son's teaching? YOU NEW PHARISEES! Who hold on to Moses law not to teach what comes from not obeying but to set a standard like in Galatians 2:11-13 read it sometimes before you come with the law only! peace pastorsvoice! SHALUM TO YOU!
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
i seen a movie
Hey Hey to all man oh man I seen this movie!
No joke man this movie did something to me.
Listen to this ok this movie star people who look like me. And this movie showed me that what I think don't mean a thing! Ok movie time! There was a man his name we Jessie and he had a shop where him and his sons had mad stuff man this man was so on it and someone had to step up but you know the way it is in our life no one gives us a chance! But each time the man comes here we go they over look us! But this time something else happen are you still with me? This man walked right up to this man's son and said you next! Why would the man do this? Listen the one the man said was next well he was delivering some food when this dude was just cursing out all that was there man no one stepped to this clown! Man this was so slick with his mouth that he thought that no one would step to him but he went a little to far when he curse the creator! Boy oh boy this dude went off! But the one who was next ask all who was this? He ain't no killer! And here's where it gets good!
He stepped to this dude and with one blow pop goes the Wessel! Pull his present from under your tree! This clown is dead! Man he got married moved to town busted some gang's who needed to be handle. When he came back from kicking butt the whole town was swollen they shouted his name man this man can dance but that's not all this dude was so good at killing that he cut a piece of one of the persons clothes and the person even didn't know it was cut now that's a bad boy right? Now is you still there? the one who was next this one did so much that he was able to show just how bad he was!Hey I just told you about dawid who is that first to Christians we have no problem with you our problem 2samuel 24 hey we have to show how they lied to us see I took a very true story and told it in a way that sounds good but with a spin! listen if I tell a lie and teach a lie long enough it becomes truth! peace pastorsvoice!
Sunday, March 7, 2021
opening move!
Now don't think that this blogger is so close to really living this life! These years my eyes have been cleaned and opened! We live by what our brain processes. See them three marks on top of the page ? After you spend a few minutes with me you will see that a change has come over me thru the years as you read my blogs. Most will notice by reading them that I've came a long way! And as usually my out look of life is from deep within! These three marks made me a complete person! I know you are saying shut up and tell us what are these marks! Ok I will, but not right now! And don't go and look it up because I will tell you! Stop playing! lol! These three marks shaped my world, your world, and the world. These three marks speak life where life never was! All that has breath need to praise YAH! These three letters say's "Elohim YAH".
Read and know that most of the people we trust they show who they are and they will not change, because most rather LIE then tell the TRUTH! FYI! They are not sorry because they were wrong but sorry that they got caught! Boom there you goes!
Can you connect? See we all speak about change, but the real change comes when we can look at one another and don't see an enemy or a threat or opponent to beat! To change is to die! To die is to live! Oh come on! We say change but won't stop our own failing thinking that I'm born of an ape! Now look at my place in this human race! Why should we always hate and not even knowing why we hate each other? Most people will stand proud and lie loud! Ask yourself how deep do your roots go in him?
Read and know that most of the people we trust they show who they are and they will not change, because most rather LIE then tell the TRUTH! FYI! They are not sorry because they were wrong but sorry that they got caught! Boom there you goes!
Shalum shalum pastorsvoice!
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
oh found my people
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