This lady sung a song about how she took her love for granted so let's go on this. What is love? To me I been trying for years to find this! All I found was women who did not want all the good love I had for them! None wanted me to love them only they felt better if they was with a no good man who treated them like shit! Why can't this kind of love is what they want? Just listen |A love that you know when you feel it make you weak at the knees to hold to feel wanted needed to feel so safe that what dream you have I will fulfill! A love that make you miss them when they just when to work a love that make you feel on top of the world that you is all I need ! But this time a good man always get hurt and you women wonder why there are so many dogs out there well here something from a one woman man who never never cheated or treated his woman less than a queen who made his life can't stop making her your world but me never had one who will share my world but had four that tore it apart so here I am trying again to find some real love one that no game can move a love that I can depend on a love the is down for her man not share a woman so can any one help?
Lost love how can you lose something that is not real? If they love you so much then nothing in this world will break you up but people only love the good but when things is not or hard time come they are ready to throw it away by one leaving or cheating never willing to go threw because the other is so easy don't get me wrong the easy way out most take but love is for better or worst I got your back but no one live by this .