Saturday, November 28, 2015

feeling what next?

Ok what is next? This is for someone who is at the cross road of what next? Many get here and blow a good thing because they pick the wrong path. Each time you know that you want to do this but you play hard to get thinking that I don't want to show them I want them or that i'm so easy! What in the world??? People need to stop with the bull about playing hard to get because all a player will do is chase you until they get you and then blow you off like a piece of rotten meat that they made that way threw the games and stupid ways they treat you and you are left saying WHAT NEXT?? Why tease a person why lead a person on why act like you don't want them but inside all you think about is them?WHAT NEXT?? You go and play this game of checkers a move for a move? Lets blow this bull right now life is to short for mind games you don't draw me into you by a freaking playing with my mind!!

 Change my out look with your words your actions your present make my world spin round and round make me hear bells take my soul and never let it go why make me feel like a king but treat me like a peasant? IF i'm yours then when this would be me each time when this happens to me lol!
Do you feel butterflies when you see my call? Forget the butterflies in my stomach when I see my mate name forget the butterflies the whole zoo comes alive in me and all bells and whistle goes off!
And I just get so kiddie and do the happy dance do any of you know about the happy dance ????

 Thanks for just being a person who know how to understand a person who are in a dark and be the light!!!! peace pastorsvoice! with love!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

back to zero

Well 6:30 this morning my eyes was open to the fact that I was alone again and this time I was able to say unto myself back to zero is something that i'm in and listen don't need pity or your fake friendship i'm me and to know that life is life and right now i'm dealing with zero and that's good with me when you realize that no matter how people treat you that you are good with yourself hey stand your ground never leave your principle even it it leaves you alone be-
cause if you are alone the ones who left you was not meant to be in your life anyway! If they 
really care they would love you for who you are and not all the time trying to make you be a person who you know nothing about.Listen be you! Love you embrace you because in the end of the day you is all you have people only care when you be only on their side if you don't then they can care less if you sink or swim but zero is a good place to be because you know who really cares because no one else is there but you and that way you can't get hurt or let down
 When you start standing for yourself people well walk away but listen you came in this world alone and you will leave alone so love who you are and what you have to offer and if that not good enough for them well their lost your gain because you need no more pain in your life zero!
First i thank all who read and follow and like my blogs in this area i'm never alone your love keeps me writing you I'm talking to you the reader! Because I will not let anyone hurt me again
and I ask you to do the same. Let the one you are with how much you care. and read this below
 it bad to be cold on a sunny day but the next picture is my life no matter how many is around me i feel alone and un-wanted i'm trying to change the feeling but people keep showing me why i have that feeling so back to zero for me and the fight for happiness go on for me so peace!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

do you know what truffle butter is????

Now i might loose some readers on this one or might gain a lot of people who has very bad breath!
Well first  I didn't know the meaning of it my self until curious george came out of me and my 
happy go unlucky self just singing the song feelin it like a mug! Not having a clue what this man is
singing about! First i'm going to blog about it then I will tell you where you can find the meaning
but I warn you for you who are good people do not wait let me do this I REPEAT DO NOT LOOK 
UP BECAUSE YOU WILL SAY THE SAME AS ME! Listen in this day people do not educate you on what they be talkin about and you think you is up on life but trust me when you get the meaning 
of this one you will say OMG heck naw i'm lost like a mug! How many can say that this is really good you have to be some one who just can't grasp that this is one sick puppy and you say lick the 
truffle butter HA HA HA Who fooled you to even think that we are even doing that! Listen at this
HELL 2 DA NO    Now you got that some people just has lost there minds how you go from this
To what that song is talkin about yes I would spread this on you and lick you clean but you are crazy
to even think a person in there right mind would even consider what the hell your truffle butter is and lick it you must be a damn fool to fall for that this generation of raper has lost their damn minds you
will see why i'm the way i'm am about this one is you ready to find out what it is wait one more time
Yep watch what you are singin because these days you don't have a clue what you are singin ok look it up in the urban dictionary yes let me bold face this one THE URBAN DICTIONARY THIS WAS ONE I COULD NOT PASS UP BECAUSE AT FIRST MAN I WAS FLOWING IN THAT SONG!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

disposable flesh

Well being pissed off helps me to write this blog right here this is for those people who really can care less if you are with them or not in other words they don't even care if you care or not but try to act like they care but if you look at the picture it show you just how much you are worth. Disposable not even worth a Bic lighter see we are just another person not the person they don't love you because in a blink of a eye they will drop you and don't give a rats azz about you just words see people lost how to love from the heart why they don't have a heart all they got is pride in themselves and what
they feel listen its time to flow when you think you so much and every one else is below you guess
what you for got no matter how big you are one thing you don't have? Pay Attention Please what??
They have to be a don't caring person because they know if they try anything else they suck at it to be a person you love why waste your time on a stuck up azz wipe like them see they not worth even saying good night to why keep pouring out your love on some one who always feel like nothing you do is good enough for them never any thing you do or say or be would ever be good enough for this person as long as you is a nobody they will deal with you just to have some one to put down but do you care all you see is love that you think is there because you want it so bad wake up because they don't!! Be cause at any time they will dump you and laugh at how dumb you was foe loving them
See this is all you are and to them if it don't go there way they will sell you for a low price and move 
PEACE pastorsvoice! yeah  right ! 

Monday, November 9, 2015

click click time


Ok my mind is on this tonight now someone needs to make this right its time to see just how hot we can be come on and roll with me on this one some time we can really find that place and see how it
can be a mystery because I want what I really really want let put this thing together and make that CLICK CLICK!! Now most is asking them self what is a CLICK IS? Most forget how good it feels to lick the click! Now I know i'm not a pro click licker but some time you just got to say let do this and please the woman in your life men when you don't know how to flick the click with the tip of your tongue massage it with your lips playing with the twins all before you come in stay at the tip make it drip drip until the walls begins to sweat hold up not yet you will miss the best is yet to come. See most will do the rabbit yes rabbit is fun but all of you who never been in a body examination wow.  i may not be a doctor but I know my way around the operation room. Can you just feel me with my hand on your body got you on your stomach and start from the back of your neck a squeeze here a lick there stick a tongue in your ear down we go licking the lines of your body art wow you taste like
 Ha ha right now we both begin to shake because when love is thick and we both start to realize that I really want this now my tongue is sliding down your back as i grip your bottom to move it in view where the click can be licked and sticked  now to you who say i'm nasty well you never taste a woman before or seen her flex and moan with so much pleasure that they grab your head and hold it so tight until you kill that click once you kill the click her hand would grab the sheet or headboard and just moan and say oh yes don't stop that when you lock and load roll here over but stay right there face to face with the click! Now move on up because you got it locked now load it with some food let it eat all you got in and out hit the side top to bottom until she surrender and say oh yeah you good !
Yes yes yes come put your smell in my bed you got me now lick me all over peace pastorsvoice 

Monday, November 2, 2015

hot light blinks !

Hey Drake put a master hit out that right now is intertwine with this blog hey this is my favor line 
I know when that hot lite blinks that can only mean one thing! Yes when you are in a long distance
relationship you look for that hot lite to blink because you know than the one who stole your heart
is calling you and no distance can stop what you feel. Most feel that you can't find love unless you
can bang their brains out each night yes that is great oh my god with my bed see that much action
but for us who are just waiting for the special one to make bells and whistles go off  I say try some-
thing new A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP! Why because you fall in love with a person mind
actions loyalty and time spent getting to know this person with out doing that big mistake that most
do what is that mistake is ??????? LETTING SOMEONE COME HAVE SEX WITH YOU AND YOU CATCH FEELINGS BUT TO THEM IT WAS JUST SEX! What the world??? I guess i'm the only one these days that say if you screw me we made love! SEX IS A EASY WAY TO SAY THAT I WANT WHAT YOU HAVE BUT I DON'T WANT YOU!!! THINK ABOUT IT WHEN THEY SAY IT WAS ONLY SEX!! Bull don't get my cookies if you are not going to stick around to learn the recipe! To what made me give you me! Look at this and know why I say try something new and exciting!
See this will make you set your mind on how to do what people can't do when they see one another
each day and never ever get a lasting bond that you can't be without that person whom you grew to love check this one out hey to day you can call me on my cell phone late night when you need my love! Just love that song!
last word hey show me you can make my liver shiver and my soul jump at just seeing your name come up on my hot lite! PEACE PASTORSVOICE