Tuesday, August 25, 2015

meeting you

HEY TO ALL listen life can be something real crazy! Some really weird stuff goes on out here!
Have you met someone who you clicked so good with that it brings out the kid in you? Ok you
remember when you was on the phone and this was your words you hang up no you hang up or
you go to sleep on the phone those was the days that love was so new and real! But now SMH!
Love is what no one can answer what is it meaning! Ok watch this how many had a gold fish
for a pet and the thing died and you had a fish funeral and you was crying and the rest was saying
how dumb it was to flush the fish down the toilet! But the one who was crying love that fish so much
that it believed that flushing the fish down the toilet it could swim to heaven! Have you ever meet
some one who seem like you knew them your life but you just met them? See we as people that to
much for granted! Its the little things that makes lovers stay for a life time well getting back to this
look at this quote and you tell me what is it saying! ok here it is!

Now did you get that bring more to the table then just ass and bird because somebody is going to 
have to buy some food and I dont believe you can drop your ass on  one of these young girl check 
out lines in the store and let you pay for you food with ass she would say let me get the manger and
he will say ass up cash out now how would  look in the back of the cop car with your ass out say all 
I wanted was these nuts! Straight to jail do not pass go told you this world is crazy ok one more !
well can you do this and stop lying to your self about who is right you both are peace pastorsvoice!


Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Yes yes guess who is feeling in this kind of mood? See so many now days only know sex!
But there is another level that only two can get to who understand this statement! Are you
WET WITH THE JIGGERS! Yes we are one this to night see you deal with rabbits so long
or the one that treat you like a street gal bang your brain out and make you think you in love
but all it was just something to do! See romance is where both is so into it that when you know
it the sun is shining! But when you started it was dark! See right now i'll be the frame and you
be the picture!When was the last time ladies you showed him all your spots and he treated you
like a lollipop holding you tight in his arm biting on every part that spark your passion so much
that all you say is don't stop when he stroke your body you tremble like a kid in the rain but no
fear is in your mind all you feel and asking your self is this for real how he making me feel!
Most don't know how it feel to have love all over them when he touch every part of you then for a 
moment he stop and put your hand on his heart and say this is yours! As he kiss your lips he bite yours lip kiss your neck right in the spot you said in your mind the is my G spot! as he begin his decent across your body you think about how much this person has you breathing like you been 
running but you know that no one been out the room! OK most think this never happens because 
all you do is have sex and you ask your self is this all but in the right hands they will take it up a
notch now you is about to go for a ride now you tell your self all my life i prayed for someone like
you! Now you want to keep going and going and he do a slow motion on you soft slow and easy and
you feel every move he make until you just can't take no more yes yes this is what the right person 
brings to the table just look right here and you tell me you been over powered by someone love?

Friday, August 7, 2015


Hey to all that had that Whoa moment you know the point when something just blows you?
Well how do you feel when your EX come and start telling you about how the one they left you
for is doing the same bull to them that they did to you but when they did it well it was fine but 
now the same bull is happening to them oh its so wrong! And you say unto your self wow you
did the same thing to me and didn't give a rat's azz about how it hurt ! but now they want you to feel
sorry for them THIS IS WHOA! OK about this time you are saying man his life is jacked up
Well stick around for a few it gets better! How many can give everyone else advice and it works
for them but when you put your own advice to yourself its never ever ever works! But the same
words you give others works fine for them but the same thing you going threw it dont work!
Most women these days say men is dogs so they dog a man out right? Well you for got a dog 
is the most loyal to there owner if he is treated right so when is the right treatment coming to 
us dogs? look at this picture and see how you really are in your relationship 
 Now how can you deal with this? FEELING? FEELING?
People don't have this people have become a bunch of back stabbing race! I'm going to hurt you be
fore you hurt me right? IF you are 100% how can i hurt you? Stop judging me with the last fool that
let you got away he was just 25% how can a quarter hang with a dollar you need three more oh that's
why you can't be faithful it takes four no good men in your life because a dollar is too much for ya!
last one just look a this most need to do this DO YOU WANT A REAL MAN? or WHOA? peace