Monday, February 21, 2022

pastorsvoice: A party of lies!

pastorsvoice: A party of lies!:   Now lets not get it twisted! I voted for the democrats! I am a democrat! But I used to be an Christian too! Until I learn how much they li...

A party of lies!

 Now lets not get it twisted! I voted for the democrats! I am a democrat! But I used to be an Christian too! Until I learn how much they lied! Now I'm learning how much the party lied to us just to get our votes! At one time we was force to vote for the Democrats! Or our fathers the next morning would be dragged out the house and hung in the tree! Or beaten until he had not breath in him! We was taught that the republicans was responsible for slavery. But it was the the Democrats who was behind it all! Don't get me wrong neither party is a good light to our lives! But you have to ask your self "WHICH EVIL TO PICK"! Hillary or Trump! Which evil to pick? Let's face it we picked Trump! And what a eye opening we had!  Now  it's Biden and we don't know if this dude is talking or dreaming or off his meds? Look at this next picture! This is the party we blacks is being tricked to vote for! Tell me when they switch history! Ok now!
Now this has nothing to do with race! But it does show who wrote this did not agree with the 14 amendment! And The democrats is the guilty ones who wanted the Hebrew man not to be a human but to breed more slaves because no more was being shipped in! So slave farms was invented by who none other then the southern democrats so no northern republican would be elected! So the KKK was born to bring fear and control the Hebrew man! You may not like my blog but you know it to be true facts! Facts don't be liked because it shows how much a lie can travel! So my question is why would they cover up the real hatred they had for skin color! Hebrews is not human!
And your birthrights or your voting rights is not a choice but a right! And your rights has been taken again! By trickery! listen I've learned that a lot that we as Hebrews was force to learn and accepted was a flat out lie to steal who we really are and the real power that your vote carry! Listen I'm not a big fan of government but I know this if you stand for something then give it your 100% and if your 100% is based on a lie then how hurt your world would be if the truth comes in and showed you that you been what we called an "ALL DAY SUCKER"! Shalum pastorsvoice!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

pastorsvoice: Feelings such a lie!

pastorsvoice: Feelings such a lie!:   Feelings is life biggest lie! You can ever fall for! This is how you look when you find out he got  a woman phone number for every state h...

Feelings such a lie!

 Feelings is life biggest lie! You can ever fall for! This is how you look when you find out he got  a woman phone number for every state he travels in when he drives that truck he is in! This is the look of feelings you have when you walk in a church and say will bishop's kids please stand up and half the children in the building stands up! This is the look you get when you paid child support for 17 1/2 years and the blood test say feed her long enough she will look like you! Feelings yes feelings! Look at this one!
This is the look you do when she goes thru your phone and find text message from some one who you said didn't have your number! Yep yep this is the look you have when mother finds your weed but you said "I don't smoke that devil mess!" This is the look you give when the police ask "Is any illegal substance in the car?" And you are driving a car with no insurance and you have no license and you just left the hook-up spot and have

some good gas that you are sitting on! Oh yes there's more!

Yes this is the look you get when your parents walks in on you and your mate making out in their room! This is the look when the police shines the light in the car and catch you and your mate trying to act like your 17 again! But the officer don't see two 17 years old! He see 40 and 45 years old in the back seat and the first thing hit him is the smell of fart and sex! Now what this last one is the best one because it really show how feelings are!
See your feelings will pimp you out to hurt, heart ache, no trust, no compassion, no sense of commitments, and no reason to tell the truth! Feelings is a false emotion that you believe with all you got thinking you get what you want. But in the end feelings is what you left with when all else is gone! Life lesson 101 on feelings! Shalum and peace to all pastorsvoice! OHH P.S I got a feeling that 1 million people will read this! Now watch how feelings LIE!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

pastorsvoice: Wide eye kid!

pastorsvoice: Wide eye kid!:   Good day mates! Feb 5 2022 all day baby! I'm sitting in my living room one fingering this key pad to death and I see this bottle calle...

Wide eye kid!

 Good day mates! Feb 5 2022 all day baby! I'm sitting in my living room one fingering this key pad to death and I see this bottle called "Black seed oil" And it say's "A remedy for every disease but death" Well okay? But in the world I know nothing black stands for anything that is good! Stop before you say it! Just hear me out! This is not another racist rant. This is a clear look into a word that have gotten a bad rep for no reason! In Genesis 1 verse 2 I quote! " And the earth was without out form and void; and DARKNESS was upon the face of the DEEP! No where it said that the darkness was black! See this poor word took on a face that was way before the ku klux klan's hoods was legal! Way before George knew how to Washington! Way before Jim had a crow! Way before Alexander thought he was great!  And when Ben went into franklin his nasty self! And when Adolf knew he can hitler!! This poor innocent word not guilty of a crime or offense!  Became a word that had a record but never sign up for it! The Spanish bean "EL NEGRO!

Now you tell me how in the world this word which in Spanish that describe a "BEAN" became a name for a people? In my IKE TURNNER VOICE! "EAT THE CAKE ANNIE MAE" Why is it that black is bad but white is good? And don't come with that 'power' mess because no race has power to stop it's own self destruction! Every one on this planet after the flood came from one of the three brothers! Ham, Shem, Japhth and their wives! So how can my family who is from my uncles who fart in the same room and all pissed on the floor because no man pissed straight until he knew how to aim that snake in  his pants! How can you say I'm better than him?  When you may own more than me! But the same one that taught me taught you because they is called our grandparents! Same bloodline no matter what your skin looks like!
Last but most important! The world never seen color because we all came from the same two people Noah and his wife so our life is connected don't let color keep us apart! As the cat said Almost..Wait... I'm colorblind! See people not skin!

 Shalum pastorsvoice!