Tuesday, December 30, 2014

deep in my soul

Who will wipe my tears? What will break my fears? In a day it will be a new year! Every one make these clams on how to be better.How to do better but in realty the one thing change is the year the same demon come right back if you don't get together and try to just love! They always say you hurt 
because you been hurt but that is not true most hurt because it makes them feel powerful or in control
or to promote fear in some one who cares about someone who is just using them! The ones who do the hurting will boast about how they can't be weak just to care! Most men won't show that they care because to them it make you weak or gay! Well i'm straight but one thing I can say the gay mens show there mates how much they care and the only thing most men can say is they got sugar in their tank but at the end of the day love always find them why they do care! Don't toot your horn women because you have become as cold as most men you are beginning to do the same thing you fight so 
hard to stop from happening to you but you do the same! Wow how fickle is womens and then you have the balls to say there is no good men anymore! Why should a man be good when the woman is up to no good?HAPPY NEW YEARS RIGHT? When it gets happy i'll let you know Ok you tell me I'm happy do you care about the ones you hurt just to think how happy you are? look below and think
Now who will change this year? Who will make a difference?Who would just for once stop just thinking of themselves! And just show anyone some real love not that lip love but from the soul!
This year is in your hand make a difference in someones life just leave a mark of love not hate my 
rant is over I bid you peace pastorvoice!   

Friday, December 26, 2014

welcome to reality!

Welcome to the real zone where no bull is allowed today is the day to see things as they really is.
No dreams no looking over the facts no wishes no hopes and no stupidity! Just the facts ok! How
many of us wait by the phone waiting on some one to call you or text you when somewhere deep in the back of your mind you just know that they is not going to call but you fool yourself that they will!
How many time you know that if you keep on doing the I'm so slick game that I'm playing two people and no one knows you feels like i'm so smart that they will never catch me. How about this
you are giving some money for a bill but you see something you want you tell yourself  that i can replace it and in the back of your head you know you can not replace water to a filled bottle but you 
All the broken promises and no effort not even trying but always lying even fooling yourself that you 
did is about to blow up on you today! Why look in the mirror when you will not believe what you see? What good is it to ask for advice when you already know you don't listen to jack? How can you 
say that you are true when you can't even be true to your own self wow how mess up the humans  really is! We have fake the funk for so long that even we ourself believe a lie and then get mad when
you are lied to! THESE four letters we don't have no more value in anymore and what is these words?
How come these four letters cause so much effect on your life just look and realize that when
you say these words how much of it is really true! 

Monday, December 15, 2014

holidays blues!

Hey to all my readers tis the season to be jolly! Are you serious? Listen tis the season to get stuff straight! Some may have a lot of reason to be jolly but some of us got some serious stuff to get straight! Did any one of you had a mate that didn't deserve a kick in the butt but they got their
hand out like I been there for you all year? Or you know that you is not getting jack crap from
these people but they ask what are you getting me for christmas?You need to say don't let me tell
you but show you and then haul off and chop there fake butt in the throat! Most people think this is
the time to used the heck out of you to get a present.Don't get me wrong this was the happy time of
the year for me until two years ago! This is the way I feel like some one who looks like this
Giving to people who don't give a crap about you leave you drunk and alone! What pressure it puts on you when you got more month than money! And all you see is what you want to give but can't afford it.Because you spent all your money on someone else! Wow how do the mighty fall ho ho hold  up!When its gets so bad that you have to get a loan to pay christmas you need to think how jolly is january when this bill is due! So merry christmas to all and to all GET RIGHT! OH P.S THIS IS MY FACE FOR CHRISTMAS!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

a day in the mountain!

A day in the mountains do you see how beautiful the sun set or sun rise is which ever floats you boat!
But getting back to my point this describes the day I had man me and my baby took a road trip! For those who is still in the 70's road trip means no drugs no imaginary people no bad trips no mushrooms LSD or good weed did say i didn't smoked none but not that type of trip! Anyway we meet a beautiful person and their baby and spent a very nice time but this got me my baby showed her butt watch this she raged on me all day long she showed her butt i wanted to just punch her in 
her throat all who had a day like that you know what I mean But this person took my mind off knocking my baby out! LOL But listen she was so amazing and interesting I just felt so at home
First date ok was so scary why because you are wondering if they like you or if you look good enough or do they like you or not it was so crazy because the first date never goes like that picture trying to showing it is not that easy you want to grab them and just hold them but you know that they 
just might punch you in the face right yo! But you leave wondering if they had a good enough time 
to see you again? How many been there if you did give your self two snaps and a twirl! Now you are left like this picture says look below!
Because until they call you back a lot goes threw your mind but you know me I have to leave you this if you are in doubt call them out and see what that day was all about little rhyme there peace pastorvoice! 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

do you miss this?

So many take love for granted they are so quick to get the cookies but never drank the milk.
You never know how much you miss true love until it's gone!Most will say I happy being single
but on that star lit night when no one is there to hold you or watch how most will say ok to this a cold rainy night when the house is toasty a good love movie is on the tube and you see them holding each
other but you is all alone that's when it hits you how nice it be when all is right in relationship! Not 
that joker you meet at the bar who just want to see what kind of panties you are wearing but the one that makes you really go off in a trance just thinking about the way they smell the way they touch you the way they smile the way they look how they hold you how all their attention is on you and you only do you feel me on this one? Alot of us have sex so long that they can't remember what love really is anymore!Are there any real lovers anymore?Or just a lot of people who just want sex!
How many can relate to this just spending quality time to just enjoy each other to be happy
When was the last time someone just looked into your eyes hold you close and said I LOVE YOU?
Or when was the last time you two just took a long walk and enjoyed each other ok you think your
life alone is so great but I can tell you this if love was in this world we would not have so much 
hate and distrust what happen to us as people who care about each other we have become a loveless
nation of strangers!  
Try this peace pastorsvoice