Friday, December 14, 2018

mercy way study:you call me a fool

They call me a fool!

Now you call me a fool for the truth? I seen your remarks and heard your thoughts but how wrong you are! You try to be but never a star! I had to do this because people take you for a fool when they never search anything!
Never go off facts! Never look and see that what you are saying is only right in your mind!
The picture is so beautiful! But some smart nut will say:"man I seen better" Why can't we
just see the beauty of the freaking picture with out trying to make a dog gone point! This 
world has become so anti-correct or I'm going to show i'm right! Can anyone tell me why?
Just look at this next picture and you tell me why am I called a fool for the truth why!
Now you see just how most people really is! A brick wall when it comes down to when you is right! And then have the nerve to call you a fool and laugh about it! When all the while they 
is the fool! Because they don't listen but they know everything! You christian stop coming up
to me saying:"god gave me a word for you" Keep it because he been talking to me why stop? 
But this is you with your I know god self! Yes you do know god! So why are you calling him god? Do he have a name? And why do you take a name that is only 595 years old and say its 
the name of someone who is 2095 years old but his name is only 595 years old?? Now that 
sounds foolish to me! But you got a word! Use the word you say he spoke because all the other 
words you say we found them to be made up or added to or subtract or left out or change or just a flat out plain oh lie! With a CAPITOL LIE!! But this next one really speaks volumes!
Now you see why! peace pastorsvoice!!!! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

busted now what?

Good day mates! What a time of understanding we are having! We are having a big explosion of the knowledge of the truth! Are you ready for the truth? Can you handle the truth??  Do you have on your big boy and big girl pants? Because in all your getting get an understanding! This world is full of places that never seems to give the truth no matter how it try. Always a lie to cover up a lie! Do you know anyone who every word come out their mouth is a lie? Or in a relationship that each time you look around they are lying about everything? Well you really is not going to like this! Where is the one place that you go to and just know that all being said is the truth? Or the people that are around and in this place are truthful and good? Can you trust the one who you have place your soul in their hands? Look at this next clip because so many is being tricked with words that they believe to be true but is a straight up bald face unforgiving knock your grand mother out two faced blue balls out the pit LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
See that crap of what you don't know won't hurt you is a lie! Just like when you found out that there's was no Santa claws! It change the way you view Christmas! Here is another that should make you say Hummm! Jesus the Christ is just a made up name that took the place of the real person who really went threw all that you read! But Jesus Christ went threw nothing! Why? He is a made up person that in four hundred 50 to 100 million people died in his name who had nothing to do with his name or what he was made in to be! I know a lot is piss off at my blog right now! But the truth is that in Greek or Latin or Hebrew there is no letter J so how can his name be Jesus in Hebrew or Greek or even Latin? He is a Hebrew right? So in Matt.1-21 who is lying King James  or the Hebrew Alphabet? Now something is

Monday, September 3, 2018

something coming!

All our life we have a feeling that something just not right!! So we watch and wait! But something is coming this way and when it arrive are you ready? See what's coming can't be paid off with money or bribe or seduce with sex or con with drugs! What on its way to each and every one is not something you can missed or hide or run from. Listen something is coming and it don't care who you are or what your name is or what color you are! Think about this how can you be ready for something that has no feelings no pity no conscience no inner feeling no guilt no shame! See you guns is no good to fight against your bombs can't protect you! See your bright smile and your tricky ways wont get it! See look at this next clip and just like what you see this is how it comes!
See how it covers the city like fog that comes in on the land and no one can stop it or fight it or beat it! IT IS COMING! Do fear still have a place in your heart? Do you have any fear left? Because we know that all that is taught is to be fearless! But what is coming don't care whether you are afraid or not you can't escape! Most will say I don't care but they do! We feel that life is in our power but life waits for no one! How can you beat a force that moves threw and don't even feels for the infants! See if you are not afraid you should be because this force can't be stop! Take the last look at this and then i will tell you what is coming! Just read this one!
Can i speak for the one who will be caught off guard and will be wondering what is going on! 

                                                             peace pastorsvoice     

mercy way study:ingrain division

Friday, August 17, 2018

mercy way study:covenant connection

blank page

                                       Blank page???
        Here sits a new beginning! How would you write this?? 
Many of us gets a blank page to rewrite a wrong that you have the power to correct. We feel powerless to make change because we are a non-accepting people of change! With all you wisdom get a understanding! Why would the writer put that in wisdom is understanding right?Naw! Wisdom is great but understanding when,what,where,why and how is so important! You can be a very gifted person but have no common sense you missed the boat! See this is what is happening with our awakening. We who have figured out that history our is not only slave base or just a spear thrower! We went further back then that dna thing that wipe your slob then tells you that you are part this and part that! When in realty we are FULL BLOODED HEBREWS! With names and family! With way of thinking not as the ones that en-slaved us think! But we have a way of life in Yahuah! We have a door threw Yahusha Hamashiach ! We have our own language that now we have to re-learn because all this was stolen from us as a people! Why erase a man's life and the fill it back with lies!!Look at the next picture and it clearly shows what we have been fed in life!
Ok tell me what color is these people? Where they come from? Who is their family? When was this done? How do i fit into this picture? See this is us as black people in america where do we fit? This AWAKENING is not about how black you can be or how we never had a chance. This is about getting back to that connection that we had with Yahuah! ok one more picture OMG!!
This is a star being born we as Hebrews is doing just this very same thing being born again to who we are and what is our purpose in life! I'm alive in my belief that we as a Hebrew has a calling to fill bring back the family to it's rightful place together is it place SHALOM TO YOU!
                                                                  peace pastorsvoice

Monday, July 30, 2018

i'm not your enemy!

                                                                      WAKE UP! 
First I'm not trying to stir up any one to hate no one! But I am calling for a new look on a black man.
We fight among our self so much that all we know is to throw salt at and on each other! We were
train from birth to pull every one down so they won't be better than us.We as a people needs unity.
People been trying to teach that to a people who has been striped of their identity and all we know is
how to steal and take from those who did nothing to you just because you fell that i can! Most is teaching how to stunt how to buy the most expensiveness line of clothes to wear and most of the name
brand don't want black people to wear their name on them! OK why is there only liquor stores on every corner in the black neighborhoods or weave shops or Chinese restaurants because they take our money but hate who we are! I went into an Indian owned gas station and in this gas station they had three cans of 24 ounces of beer for $1.00 to lure the ones who stand on the street corner who begs for a dollar! Now how much do they care about you?Read the next picture close and tell me is it true
WE was the test babies for any new drug! Whether  it be legal or not when i lived in New Jersey they
introduce Crack cocaine to the black projects to get us to genocide our selfies they said that powder cocaine was a white mans drug but heroin and crack cocaine was a black mans drug so they gave a longer sentence for our brothers because jail is big business see how much they get a day for one black man to be in jail! We are not the enemy! We make ourselves enemies because we never got a chance to understand this is my brother why do i hate him????If any one who do read the word look up Deut:28 15 thru 68 verses and see who you are!! No other people been done this way!No i'm not trying to stir up trouble! I'm trying to wake a people up who have left their way of life and took on the way of there masters! Study the Hebrew way not Africa way because they is the ones who sold you into slavery!
And many ask this question! If there was a god why is africa is suffering so bad? Because  they sold you into slavery who is his people! Yahuah lives and he sit high and looks low! Wake up people!
wake up tribe of Judea!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

open your eyes

Who is you     

This is me when I first started blogging and many told me why blog it's just a waste of time!
But down threw the years we have been into some subjects that was good and some not so good.
I guess you can say I am a human being or something like that.Well i'm on a real knowledge kick because we as a people have been striped of our birthrights,our true worship,our history,and our unity!For so long we have fought against one another stepped on one another lied on one another stole from one another killed one another cheated on one another! Out of all this one thing we have not did to each other is love one another! Now we can tear each other down so easy.We can plot and scheme how to take what one have so we can say "I got more than you!"
take another look at me and see how the years of trying to be what i wasn't have affected me!

 This is the way your knowledge as a people must do! Grow! Find out who you really are. You may be surprise how much you don't know about you and you will see just how much you been clone into a race of people who was striped of their history and molded into a people of the masters choice! No this is not another kill whitie thing or white people is the reason i'm down! This is a eyeopener black tribes in Africa sold many of us to the jewish slave trade that was set up in america to auction us off to the white slave owners! And this was the curse that was put on the tribe of Judea for its dis-obedience to Yahuah! See most don't even know this read Deuteronomy 28:15 thru 68 and you tell me what people that all this been done to! Surely not the Jews you read about today! Sure Hitler did some bad stuff to them but America the home of the free and the home of the brave fulfilled the cruse that was place on us they used our newborn babies as gator bait! They took the wives of us and slept with them and told you if she act like she don't enjoy it i'm going to kill you and her and all the children! See how much you know!
Study and learn how you don't know or just don't want to know who and what you are Judea!    But Yahuah is calling us back to the head and not the tail! Do you hear the call????????????
peace pastorsvoice

Monday, July 9, 2018

my son yahusha hamashiach

Yahusha lives
First Shalom to all! Now most is thinking is he a Muslim now with all of this Yahuah and Yahusha stuff! But to sum it all up I'm just a 
person who always deals in truth!Listen these are Hebrews names! And a lie is easy to put out and a lot will agree! So listen the best lie you can do is: To lie and get the whole world to believe it.Yes all from 1611 until now! All fell for the lie that one king who knew he was paying them to place his lies out there! And not only that but to make his name be apart of the greatest mask production no.1 in the world most biggest scam that ever was put out there!                                    Now most will be pissed off at this blog!

 But the truth will make you free!Come on young man! Now you are on thin ground now! Son what is that lie? The king James parts he placed in the true word! See the word is true! But what is not true is the name! For one!  The things he left out and replace on purpose just to please him self and Rome! Yes Rome! See we in America is not free! The Roman Vatican gets 60% of our taxes!And they say who is free or not!You nor me is free until we die and then the judgement! Is for all bond or free we all will stand before him! So are you ready to be free or condemn in the end???  

peacepastorsvoice "one blog at a time" re-share and tell it today! 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

yahuah is


Been along time but my mind is on a pace because I found something so amazing I had to write
about it.What is this big thing just listen who can make this world spin with one word?Who can
speak to you in a crowd, and only you know what they said! Who can always be there but no one ever sees them? Watch this they hid his name because of the power he has and to make him powerless they kept us from finding out who he is so we can never know how much he cares!
OK why would he care for someone like me and you? What did we do to make someone as awesome stop and care, not one thing we did. "OK" could ever do ! Why because all we think about and do is for our-self remember this "TRUST NO MAN" all man do is step on each other 
but some thing different happens no man was here to trust I looked for someone but no one was here look at next clip and see if you know who this is if you do tell someone if you don't keep reading

YAH? Who is YAH? What did YAH ever do? See most don't know this name. Is YAH Japanese or Islam  is it a name or what? Who is YAH you talk to him and don't know that not only you but grand mother did, auntie did ,grand-papa did! Listen, there is a big big push to keep his name out your mouth ,mind, book, and songs. They hid his name from this whole world and why because his name doesn't make money. his name doesn't fill buildings, his name will not trick you or lie to you. Who is YAH? Well just read on a little farther please because you will be shocked to know him!

  Now you know the covenant name of our father YAHUAH is his name and the world knows now SHALOM TO YOU OR PEACE PASTORSVOICE! P.S YAHUAH IS THE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I ! "TEHILLIM 61 or PSALMS 61 " 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

smiling in your face

When people say that got your back you need to watch them  because most of them is the first one to do you in! Hey look back and see how many of the ones you trusted showed their true color when something that you really needed them to stand and be there but like a shadow in the night time they disappear!! See the ones who talk a good game always show how they can turn just as quick and show you that you are not a part of there family but that ok you have people that do care and you need to start getting with them because you will never be apart of any body life why because real family stick together but when you are just a outsider that just what you are outside! But stop trying to figure out who and why because people is people and when you wear your welcome out its time to leave! So think about how many times you been at this place and you made it out so spread your wings again time to get a plan and go with it because why stay when you are the one who is bleeding but they act like they been cut wtw? They talk about you like you are nothing but you know different!
Just because you was in a relationship and you gave your all to that person what does it matter all they know is themselves and that is all they care about so why should you care they always say the dumbest things! To all the saved people here is the favor slam!  " you are saved and saved people don't act like that! " WOW how would you know you are not one! Saved people is not human! And saved people feel like not me! Many of the saved ones is the worst ones they are the quickest ones to stab you in your back and look like  we have that right to treat you like crap! because i'm your pastor! Man that some real bull right there! Listen they pull up there pants just like you do so why give them so much power over you!
when is we going to learn that no matter how we try we will never fit in 
peace pastorsvoice

Saturday, February 10, 2018


                                                                        TRUTH ?
                                                                   MAN OR GOD
It was said that every generation get wiser and wiser but we have got so smart that we have become so stupid! Some one said to me that "water is not wet"! This is her theory water is not wet because you can't dry it off! Its get things wet but it's not wet! So when you look at her in a way she is absolutely right but in a way she is absolutely wrong! She also said you can pull all the heat out of fire and it still is fire! This is where we as people has become! That we have been so driven to be right that we is so wrong! Our teachers say's it don't matter if the home work is right or wrong just as long as you show improvement? They will not teach how to write in cursive so you can't sign your name because you can't write in cursive! Take a look at this here

We have become so caught up with being right that any thing has become a need to debate this is why we is so DIVIDED! Because we all thinks that we is god of our house and no one else better not say different! Our dollar say's in god we trust! Do we really trust him! How can we trust him when at every chance we get we try to dis-prove his word his teaching his very life why man feels he know about even the beginning when he him self was born by a woman and not created by god this next picture tells it all about how it is here on earth now as we speak 
Its a fish eat fish world and where is you on this food chain? He who is on top how many did he eat to get there? People please wake up time is not your friend it's waits for no one if you don't believe me next hair wash or next bath look how much of you died and went down the drain!!!
peace pastorsvoice!!  OH  one more thing the system say you can't beat your kids the school took it out and said if i see that you did i'm going to tell so the board of education say school better tell and the government tells the board that i'm watching you so government is scared if I don't do this the parents won't vote for me the board if scared if i don't do what the government says i will loose my funding the school is scared if they don't do what the board say's they will get fired and the parent is scared if they don't do what is said they will go to jail but these bad butt kids is not scared of anything now you go figure!!!!!   

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

politically correct

Good day mates yes he is back in 2018! What a starter! Now you know how I get down never scared to speak my mind! Well first when your laptop died and phone is not good enough to post a blog your daughter has a tablet that will not let you log into you page or you just don't know how to work it! Or it takes your old laptop 20 minutes to just load windows not even no where near you web page ! So at this point I got a lot on my mind  how many blogs ran threw my mind OMG! But you will never have to worry about my unconditional love for writing ! Now this is last warning! WTW is this we have got so sensitive that if I say boo to a ghost the ghost will say you hurt me please people grow the heck up get some balls stop whining and crying about you talked about me and I was offend! Give me a break if I look like a rat why should I say you are so fine when you REALLY  LOOK  LIKE A RAT? What is up with this you can boldly fake your self out that the world is against you! Well here is a eye opener look at next picture and give me a few to come back and wake you up!
Your pity party heck don't invite me because sometimes all I need to piss me off is a weak whiny person who always saying woe is me all my life I been hurt by the ones I loved and did they care nope! Did they fell that they was wrong nope! Did they even try nope! So get this save yourself from this hurtful world ! People just don't care so why give your self a heart attack when all they gonna do is find someone else to worry to death! please check this next picture out please and I will close on that!
if you don't think that you are above hurt, disappointment,rejection and the list goes on and on! just keep living your wake up is coming and if it's thrill to you don't lrt all that happiness kill you!
                                                         PEACE PASASTORSVOICE