Tuesday, July 3, 2018

yahuah is


Been along time but my mind is on a pace because I found something so amazing I had to write
about it.What is this big thing just listen who can make this world spin with one word?Who can
speak to you in a crowd, and only you know what they said! Who can always be there but no one ever sees them? Watch this they hid his name because of the power he has and to make him powerless they kept us from finding out who he is so we can never know how much he cares!
OK why would he care for someone like me and you? What did we do to make someone as awesome stop and care, not one thing we did. "OK" could ever do ! Why because all we think about and do is for our-self remember this "TRUST NO MAN" all man do is step on each other 
but some thing different happens no man was here to trust I looked for someone but no one was here look at next clip and see if you know who this is if you do tell someone if you don't keep reading

YAH? Who is YAH? What did YAH ever do? See most don't know this name. Is YAH Japanese or Islam  is it a name or what? Who is YAH you talk to him and don't know that not only you but grand mother did, auntie did ,grand-papa did! Listen, there is a big big push to keep his name out your mouth ,mind, book, and songs. They hid his name from this whole world and why because his name doesn't make money. his name doesn't fill buildings, his name will not trick you or lie to you. Who is YAH? Well just read on a little farther please because you will be shocked to know him!

  Now you know the covenant name of our father YAHUAH is his name and the world knows now SHALOM TO YOU OR PEACE PASTORSVOICE! P.S YAHUAH IS THE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I ! "TEHILLIM 61 or PSALMS 61 " 

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