Monday, November 2, 2015

hot light blinks !

Hey Drake put a master hit out that right now is intertwine with this blog hey this is my favor line 
I know when that hot lite blinks that can only mean one thing! Yes when you are in a long distance
relationship you look for that hot lite to blink because you know than the one who stole your heart
is calling you and no distance can stop what you feel. Most feel that you can't find love unless you
can bang their brains out each night yes that is great oh my god with my bed see that much action
but for us who are just waiting for the special one to make bells and whistles go off  I say try some-
thing new A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP! Why because you fall in love with a person mind
actions loyalty and time spent getting to know this person with out doing that big mistake that most
do what is that mistake is ??????? LETTING SOMEONE COME HAVE SEX WITH YOU AND YOU CATCH FEELINGS BUT TO THEM IT WAS JUST SEX! What the world??? I guess i'm the only one these days that say if you screw me we made love! SEX IS A EASY WAY TO SAY THAT I WANT WHAT YOU HAVE BUT I DON'T WANT YOU!!! THINK ABOUT IT WHEN THEY SAY IT WAS ONLY SEX!! Bull don't get my cookies if you are not going to stick around to learn the recipe! To what made me give you me! Look at this and know why I say try something new and exciting!
See this will make you set your mind on how to do what people can't do when they see one another
each day and never ever get a lasting bond that you can't be without that person whom you grew to love check this one out hey to day you can call me on my cell phone late night when you need my love! Just love that song!
last word hey show me you can make my liver shiver and my soul jump at just seeing your name come up on my hot lite! PEACE PASTORSVOICE

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