Sunday, March 30, 2014

ain't that some shit!

Ain't that some shit? When you tell them you love them and they say OK. Ain't that some shit when you thought that you lied your way out and get caught in the same shit! Karma is a dish that you don't look for now ain't some shit! Heck when you work all day come home and nothing is cooked but they look at you and say I didn't cook because I didn't have time but they been home all day WTF? See people think that they can crap on you and you suppose to like it. Pure dry screw you with no grease just dry pop you and you get no pleasure out of it! But will look at you and say why are you mad with me now think ain't that some shit!Hey you maybe never been in shit but we look at life like we can do what we want like we run shit but our azzes is to lite for heavy work why I say that we all get hurt   one way or another but some handle shit better than others! You have some cold azz people who got hurt and now like to hurt others now ain't that some shit!
 OK my mind is strong but your  heart is weak time to adapt to the shit so all dog lovers! Watch this shit! You who have a dog tell me this if your dog shit and it dry into hard shit if you don't stir shit up it will not smell! But see people just do shit to piss you off! Now some can take a lot of shit but again some don't take no shit! But boldly speaking now if you haven't notice I got you to read a lot of shit about shit wow ain't that some shit! Now at the heart of the matter every one on this planet is after one thing and that is to live and be happy you know that shit is true!These blogs that I write might not be the shit but its right up their with the you can get but you know I do give a shit about every one this may affect because all that read is my friends now ain't that some shit again!
P.S peace pastorsvoice 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

run rabbit run

Good day my readers if you look up at this you will get my point on this blog most people do one or the other they believe or lie and some rather believe a lie than the truth! But my point is why people who always lie about them self always is the ones that run away from facing the music or won't take responsibility for the wrong mess they have made with their lying? Why most find it so easy to lie some lie for no damn reason every word comes out there mouth is a lie when they sleep they lie when they eat they lie hell when they fart they lie on someone else that they did it how this world was shape by a lie the first man fell for a lie and the rest is history we as people fell that a lie will get us out anything but all it dose is sink us deeper into shit! OK we all lie one time or another but you have some that never stop most on this internet tell and posts big lies about who they are what they got what they is into this web allow you to be what you want to be and they fall for that shit and become the lie they made up now that some shit! Watch this how blue is your eyes? Or how brown is your skin? How deep is your love ? How long can you hang? Is you down for a life time? When your azz is a rabbit none of this is in you all is there is how to lie my way in and to lie my way out! True person will not bullshit all the time most will be straight up about shit but a damn rabbit look out !
   Silly rabbit your stupid azz got caught again that why your azz is in a pot of hot water! how many got a damn rabbit in your life or know a rabbit like this when you say something he have did it to. When you been somewhere he been there too. When you ate something hell he ate that too. Anything you do he already did you call him a know it all I call him a damn rabbit! Mind games yeah right that's all a rabbit do is play silly games and give a rats azz about who they hurt just as long as they play their games well here to you Mr.or Mrs. rabbit look at this and be someone grass so the lawnmower can cut that azz!
  Peace pastorvoice!

Monday, March 17, 2014

same shit just a different day!

See this right here is a life killer "HABITS"! Good or bad these thing can make you or break you if you get your azz kicked six times a day you form a pattern of getting your azz kicked but it's the same shit but different days ! We who let people run over us each day did not just started today we have form a pattern of not saying anything but hoping it to change! But change don't come until we break this damn habit of letting people get away with to much shit! Some do  it out of fear or love or feeling but all can crash down and make your life a living hell drugs or spirits or abuse is a habit we can break you ask how can abuse be a habit? Well when you are mistreated all your life you set your self up to not to cross them in fear of losing them or getting hit by them never can we just be free of the bulls#t that this bring! Listen a drunk won't stop drinking until he break his habits! We have triggers that set us in motion and most don't see the triggers! See here's one trigger is you know that they pitch a fit when no food is done but at 4:00 o'clock each day ne-ne is calling you and by the time you are off the phone he's home this is a habit that you don't see if ne-ne can't understand that at that time she don't need to call but she still do and say "Girl This Will Only Take A Minute" don't believe that she be home all good because she can't keep a man or a life worth living but she  know if i call she will pick up so here is your trigger ring ring the phone is your trigger! When that phone don't ring why is food ready! Because if that trigger never be used you can break that habit!
When you are a man whore and you have a habit of of buying kitty cat this is what you end up with a dick in your mirror! See we can't see how bad our habits can be for good or bad! look in your life and see bet you that your cell phone has became a habit that your mate hate Why? Because you put it first and those azz holes on the other end of it that can't just be a real friend that will tell you about your bulls#!t and still be a friend or won't go along with your dirt but still be there for you! Last but lease take this habit on to do good to everyone but that crazy in this world now they don't know what love is now the word yes but the action nope!See this little end is for you just read and if it fit you then  deal with it a change your habits!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

let the past be the past!

Oh boy here goes another day of getting your mind to not destroy you! See your mind is always  running where it is good or bad sometimes we blow our own mind with stuff that we just need to let go. We let the things of the past destroy our future why we just will not let it go! We will take the past to our grave just because we think that to hold this over our self's or some one else will solve it.We say to our self that at lease they won't hurt me any more but then because we never dealt with that pain some other azz wipe comes along and do the same thing but just got a different face! How stinking is our thinking? If we don't break the curse that have been on us because we was born in this family it will do the same as it been doing blowing all your chances of having a life that you want. See you say you don't know me but do you know you? Who is you why all the time you never be you all you be is what you see on T.V or some one else who don't fit you! We live by what we feel not what is needed. See man is wired to fail because the first man could have said no to the fruit but he saw it and wanted it because he never had it before and this is man biggest problem we want the things that we are told we can have why we want every thing but in the end we find out that what we want is not all ways good to have watch this you see this fine man or woman you want it so you go after it no matter how much pain the rest of the people that she or he already started to be with but you want them so you think of self and fool your self that if they was happy they would not be out here so you get them now think if they did not care about the ones they make commitment to how you think in time that what comes around don't goes around remember this saying do unto others as you will have them do unto you! We forget that mess up shit goes both ways you put it out and low and behold it's back at your door! We crap on the ones we love and love the ones that crap on us! Now how stinking is that thinking wish this can sink in that mind of ours so we know this A DOG NEED HIS AZZ MORE THAN ONE TIME TO TAKE A SHIT! FEEL ME ON THIS? Last but not lease stop thinking you can hit it and quit it because you are messing with some one head and now you have spread the cruse to the next set of generation of people who are not ready to piss in a bucket and just say F*# k it no cruse for me! So look at pic and tell me what's up! peace pastorsvoice

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Where is your head at?

Is your head stuck in your azz all the time most people act like a azz because they think all is out to get them or this is my way of not letting no one get close to me.But when you do it just to be a azz then you are the worst kind why you show no feeling to nothing but your sorry self and if you like to be a lone or you feel like you don't have to answer to anyone or never care how you words or action effect people well you is the one that this blog is for! To act like a dick you think you have power or large and in charge but you just don't realize that you is one sorry azz excuse for a person and your dick-less ways make you one of the worlds biggest problems someone need to just take your sorry-azz out of your pain so all that is around you don't hurt no more! It's a thin line between love and hate so you break the line and just hate! But as you say that's you ok you listen to this or just look at this picture and tell me do this fit you let's take a look!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 When you see this What come to mind LOVE OR LUST? If you have feeling you think of making love if you don't the first thing come to mind is lust this is a feeling that true dicks have all you see is hurt or how you can keep the hurt up because it give you a boost in your ego that you is in control but silly rabbit tricks is for kids grow the hell up get some true balls about your self! People hates to be around a dick but you like to give people all the dick you can so here's a tip time to cut the dick off! last but lease here is you award for being a dick peace pastorsvoice!