Broke and blue does anyone feel like this is them? Well what you have seen in my pass blogs was true! My life, I put in words, Is the way I feel. Listen death and suicide this year I played with depression has no face no one knows how low you really feels how you just crave to just to have one person to just show you they care.Every one say's you how to love your self before anyone can love you easy said when you already know who you are but when you get lost you don't know who you are no more you know what you was and who you want to be but when you are lost you don't know who the hell you are or how the hell you got here! Broken pieces but when they break your broken pieces and really don't give a shit about it then this thing that I deal which kicks in it's call DEPRESSION and it stops all function of life and you cry out to people and all they see is the outside never really take time to get to know whats on the inside! read this little picture No one
will do this any more the love of many have wax cold no more love! This will make you laugh but it's 100% true this is how much bullshit hit you and depress the hell out you first you give it your best but no one care just as long as they get what they want. And all you get out it is DRIED FUCKED! What is dried fucked when no feeling is there just a lot of motion but no emotion !Ops did I say that well all day of this shit you finally get home and this damn dog that you paid $80.00 dollars for jumps in your bed and shit's all the time this show just how low your life has become when man's best friend shit's on you! I WANT TO KILL THAT MUTT BUT MY BABIES WILL NOT FORGIVE ME IF I KILL THAT MUTT! LOL True words I'm living peace pastorsvice!