Good day mates this is me again showing you why this crazy world is heading to our nuts getting
punch by the bears in our lives! Now some going to read this and say how can you say that? Well I
didn't say it you prick I typed it you are reading not listening wow how lame we are! See this is one
of the bears that punch me in my nuts and pissed me off because I am trying to recover but each
day I wake up i'm so pissed and don't know why my freaking dreams each night reminds me about
how my life change me to be pissed each day when you relive the same hurt but it's different days
it's beginning to show so bad that a kid in the neighborhood ran up to me this morning and say don't
be mad sir! Wow I asked my self do it show that bad when a kid run all the way from his house way
down the street before school I might say! And tell me sir don't be mad something is wrong wouldn't
you say? But I lie not because we live in a angry pissoff world where a lot of bull is going on and we
have to deal with people who just don't give a flying fat baby butt about how they do people! NEXT!
We are so pissed off but the on who we are pissed off at is going on with their life and we are the
ones left with a burned heart and mind why can't we just have some peace and happiness in this
world? We Won't want to know why because every one says i'm going to hurt you before you hurt
me just like when the boys said i'm going to dump her before she dumps me how stupid when you