Sunday, July 19, 2015

Have you been played!

This is for all who feel like you been played well well its not a good feeling when you do your best
and they take you for a fool! But you can sit down and cry about it or show that mutha what they
missed see it ok to get revenge but then they can say we even! So here's a tip from a sucker let's
take the stick out and get sticky with it get fly as you can find someone who looks better than them
these days post as many happy pic of you and their replacement and watch the magic! At first they
won't say much but after while I don't care how hard they try to be something is going to be said
and when they contact you this is what you say YEP I MISS YOU NOT! SIKE WAIT NOPE DON'T
Why worry about something that was not is not and will not give a rats ass about if you care. Me
I don't care any more if you don't want nothing well you get nothing you can't make a hoe into
a housewife because she still got the hoe in her! So when you find a hoe leave a hoe no matter
male or female a hoe is a hoe and none is good for the house because all you doing is what we
call share a hoe if you say no then she know how to hoe so the only way to get over this is
this is your relationship any Question peace pastorsvoice say's so! good day mates!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

what you do for love ?

Whoa !  What is this who found love since the last time we talk ? Been a long time but I 'm at it again!  Now listen why when your best friend or someone you are close to fall in love they start to
do crazy mess like at one time they stay in your house so much the was part of your color scheme!
each time you blink all you seen was them now you knew something was wrong when the last piece
of rib comes off the grill and the one who normally gets it now is not anywhere to be seen? That loud
mouth who hollas across the yard is silent your road dog your slime partner  your stick and limb is
missing in action what do you do? Now you know they started seeing someone and you don't want
to be noisy because all the others they told you about them but this one they said nothing? Not one
word what are you jealous Naw heck no not you even if you have been alone for a long time but
thats not important IF you was in love how far would you pull away from friends and love ones just
to make them happy? well look at this one and you ask your self how far would I go for love ?
What if you meet some one you really like and let say you click how far would you go? would
you bump the that thing? Be on the edge would you good out your comfort zone and get buck
wild? I'm can i pick what you said? A lot of times we think that if we stay in our zone we can't
go wrong! Right Wrong that why you is all alone on friday nite with a bottle of wine you brought
out of bilo's with the microwave dinner  and the red box movie yep yep this is you i'm staying in
my zone your zone is a desert that need rain and there is not a cloud to be seen! Well last but not
lease need water well can you drank this look below where is your water mark in life peace pastor
                                                   voice nite nite to the love of the world !