HEY TO ALL listen life can be something real crazy! Some really weird stuff goes on out here!
Have you met someone who you clicked so good with that it brings out the kid in you? Ok you
remember when you was on the phone and this was your words you hang up no you hang up or
you go to sleep on the phone those was the days that love was so new and real! But now SMH!
Love is what no one can answer what is it meaning! Ok watch this how many had a gold fish
for a pet and the thing died and you had a fish funeral and you was crying and the rest was saying
how dumb it was to flush the fish down the toilet! But the one who was crying love that fish so much
that it believed that flushing the fish down the toilet it could swim to heaven! Have you ever meet
some one who seem like you knew them your life but you just met them? See we as people that to
much for granted! Its the little things that makes lovers stay for a life time well getting back to this
look at this quote and you tell me what is it saying! ok here it is!
Have you met someone who you clicked so good with that it brings out the kid in you? Ok you
remember when you was on the phone and this was your words you hang up no you hang up or
you go to sleep on the phone those was the days that love was so new and real! But now SMH!
Love is what no one can answer what is it meaning! Ok watch this how many had a gold fish
for a pet and the thing died and you had a fish funeral and you was crying and the rest was saying
how dumb it was to flush the fish down the toilet! But the one who was crying love that fish so much
that it believed that flushing the fish down the toilet it could swim to heaven! Have you ever meet
some one who seem like you knew them your life but you just met them? See we as people that to
much for granted! Its the little things that makes lovers stay for a life time well getting back to this
look at this quote and you tell me what is it saying! ok here it is!
Now did you get that bring more to the table then just ass and bird because somebody is going to
have to buy some food and I dont believe you can drop your ass on one of these young girl check
out lines in the store and let you pay for you food with ass she would say let me get the manger and
he will say ass up cash out now how would look in the back of the cop car with your ass out say all
I wanted was these nuts! Straight to jail do not pass go told you this world is crazy ok one more !
well can you do this and stop lying to your self about who is right you both are peace pastorsvoice!