Monday, January 20, 2020

Yahuah is Elohim

Yahuah? Who is this? Someone called him our Elohim? Ok then tell me who is he when all I know is Jesus is lords of lords and kings of kings! Right? Not Right but Really WRONG! Another LIE We have to deal with! FIRST we find out Santa Claus is not real now we find out that this one who we been drilled about! Teached about! Made to give all you trust to! Now just like Santa claus is the biggest Lie man has ever told! Now most is ready to say:"I'm not reading this crap!"My jesus is god of all! You are right in this sense! He is a god of all who like to belive a lie! But to the set apart ones NAW you can't fool us anti-christ! OK look up the facts your self! First fact is:"there is no letter "J" in Hebrew or Greek right. And we speak english right? Well the letter"J"Wasn't invented until 1600's and the name which was giving was a Latin one not hebrew nor greek which both old and new covenant was not written in! So an angel who came from  heaven which the language is hebrew! Talked in latin
to a people who only spoke "Aramaic"and told them to name their son a name that in any langauage the first letter of that name would not be invented until 2000Years latter by a man who never had one ounce of greek or hebrew in him! LoL The name Jesus is a strong title right? ROTFLMBO! NEXT!
How did mary who real name was:"Miryam" only the ones who study knows this. But how did she called him in those days? Since we was told that angel called him Jesus lie number TWO! Did she say:Come here!Wait what is your name? Just bring your butt here what ever that angel said! Ok Fact number three! Listen we are so caught up in this religon that we missed who he really is! A lot is not real in the way we worship! OK in fact read Exodus 20;4 its say's: You do not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of that which is above! So how we say it's ok to make a picture or carved figure of the ones who we serve!
So who is this blue eyed long haired glowing persons that hangs on every wall every chruch every place that is worshiped! Now this should make you say:"WHOA"! Ok fact number four is when dainel saw the figure in dainel 10:5-6 he is talking about who right here? but in Rev.1:13-15 John saw the same but it was not the blue eyed long flowing hair glowing person! ok who is lying!
 Someone call the police now! This clown and i repeat this clown is not your savior! He needed to save himself from this picture! CALL THE PO-PO THIS IS IDENITY THEFT! HOW in the WORLD THIS "IDOL" Fooled the WHOLE WORLD? Now who is the:"ANTICHRIST"? The word mean:one who opposes elohim or TAKE THE PLACE OF ELOHIM! NOW WHO FITS THE BIll!
This is not who you think he is not your savior! SHALUM TO ALL PASTORSVOICE 2020!