Moonshine brain is when you are under a spell and never realize the moon is even shining!
Really a lot and I mean a lot never see how life is in the power of the tongue! We speak life and death each second of the day! Our words control every move that we make whether it is good or bad! Words have the power to shape kingdoms and destroy them. We can't control our tongue and it has got so bad that our woman sounds just like us men and the children sound just like both of us some people don't even sound right using a curse word! And a curse word is just what it says these are the word you use to cast spells or to dam someone! Whoa!
See the phrase "you put your foot in your mouth" really means put your foot in your mouth because your words have done too much! Check this out
Why Is Black Evil? Or every that relates to black is no good! And red is the color of the devil! Or the color of destruction! But that word white is all good! Get the funk out of my face! We don't have a clue how words shape our lives! So next time you speak remember this!Shalum Pastorsvoice!