Ok this must be told and I will move on about doo-doo! To all owners of dogs listen to this! Where I have stayed before I move we had a big neighborhood meeting about dog pooh in yard! See I don't know how it's done in your neck of the woods but in mine we walk dogs! And it seem like that my yard was the ideal spot for dog to stop and crap! And the people didn't care they just left it behind! And it was a nightmare to walk in the grass! On both sides of me my neighbors hand concrete or asphalt in front and I had grass in mine and mine was in the middle of the two so every day I had to get up and move doo-doo off my grass for awhile it did not get to me to do this why? I like doing things in the yard so I didn't mind! Until one day my wife cross the grass before I got up and all I heard was no no not my shoes! Man this was some really bad shit! It had corn in it carrots in it golden slime and a smell to kill a horse with so my wife flipped out and said these famous words "why can the do it in their own yard?" very good question that I did not have an answer to! Now I was partly to blame because I never said to any one please don't let your dog doo-doo in my yard. So it was time for the neighborhood watch meeting where every body will be tonight and she asked me to say something at the meeting so I said ok! So later on that day one of the finest neighbors came down the street with her pit-bull and I said to my self as fine as she is why the hell she got a dog like that to walk? So I just blowed it off but my wife who was in the front room did not when the lady came pass our yard and the dog started to handle his business and my wife freaked out she call me and sent me straight to the lady! Well I didn't mind because I never had a word with that fine azz lady so here's my chance to just see if my skills was still in me! STOP AND DON'T GET IT TWISTED! I love my wife and don't have any mind to cheat! But the thrill of the game is still there! So I went up to the long legged big booty young tender freak and I wanted to say baby let your freak flag fly let it fly! Just didn't know how true that phase really is but you see soon! The young lady told me how she change her dog food and he had the runs! Me being me just spit some game laugh it off and she ask are you coming to the meeting tonight? Now I know my wife will be working tonight so I said game on! Sure I will be there and if I'm there before you I'll get a seat across from you so we can both be on the same page! Now pay close attention to this she had the biggest camel toe in front that I had ever seen! Men understand! ladies don't hate! So at meeting things was fine until we start making jokes about how dogs is and how they don't care and I said yeah we men like it doggy style too! and all of a sudden that big camel toe was growing I said to my self what the heck? The more we talk the more it grew! At this point I didn't give a damn about her dog hell no I mean his damn dog! Its a man! And he was fine as hell but not that fine! I talked so much shit after that that no one let their dog come near my lawn again! Remember seeing is not believing! peace pastorsvoice!
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