Tuesday, April 13, 2021

dominion takers!

Hey hey hey this is one of those blogs that will make you say "for real"! Hehe this phrase Dominion Takers now I looked this phrase up and in all its language it means the same as a noun or a verb English or Aramaic or Hebrew this phrase is awesomely put! I search and I saw churches, groups, places that use this phrase but when you study this phrase its powerful straight to the point and does just what it means! The phrase definition means in all language, its grants humans the right and responsibility to rule and to govern the rest of creation! Wait there is more. It establishes a hierarchy of power and authority, in which, the human race is positioned above the rest of the natural world! Now how can you ever take a phrase that means the same no matter what language you use!
Ok how can you take control and manage this. Water is so powerful that it can cut metal, rock, wood, and glass. Water is used but our oceans is a world that never had this phrase to happen to it or in it, a dominion take over never happens. If so, the ocean
  will not be an oceans anymore! People have not only taken over land but they feel like one is better than the other! Question, is one race better then another race? Is white better then black? Is blue darker than purple? How can we fix what was never made to be fixed?

How can you hold it in your hands? What dominion do you have over this we take for granted that nothing is ours we own nothing and no matter what you may feel no one can tell our father what to do !Peace pastorsvoice! Shalum shalum!

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