Friday, May 18, 2012

Preacherman:More bull for your ear!

CHRISTIAN MINGLE! What a load of crap. How can you stick Christian in front of mingle and say this site is God sent?. KISS MY BALL’S. You get the tricky dicky award! And i applaud you. You have managed to take something as stupid as online match making to new levels of stupidity. How can you put Christian and fool the world that sometimes God needs help to find you a mate? WOW brilliant! These people have made a profit off of something that you have hide for all your life that you really suck at…..DATING! To get a date you must be FIRST date-able. Now most of you who goes to this website or any just like it have one big problem you can say you don”t have time or your career haven”t given you opportunity to date or better yet ‘i’m just not good at it.’ So if you are not good at it and the group of people that this website put together is not good at it… Why would you pay for something your not good at. How dumb is it to know you suck and the one who you pick SUCK and both of you paying to SUCK when you can suck for FREE! How stupid is the concept “They found my match for me” and in reality i still have to pick it/him/her/them/or heck WHATEVER. You may say in the end the one who sucks at dating still have to pick another one who sucks at dating and then pay for it both of them who sucks at dating. Lets be REAL just like Bull balls in mustard or squirrel brains in jelly. It doesn’t take an internet dating service that just put christian in front of mingle to say IT’S ALRIGHT. See they get DRUNK in the same bars, at the same birthday parties,funerals,weddings,get together, Saturday nights not only get drunk but get LAID in the same motels,hotels,holiday inns and if YOUR girl start acting up don’t worry she ain’t got a friend because if she did, you wouldn’t be on this STUPID SITE!! In my conclusion take these words to heart before INTERNET there was DATING. Before STUPIDITY of DATING online there was DATING OFFLINE. So what am i saying?…. How much more BULL does it take before you notice that they’re SCREWING YOU and YOU PAY FOR IT. Need date GET YOUR BUTT OUT THE HOUSE, SWIM IN THE WATER AND GET ONE. Peace


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