Tuesday, December 8, 2015

show you right

This day my mind feel like a smooth spit for you and your mind to wrap around feel this flow!
All day you been in my dreams I see your all the stream and it seems like you may just be a tasty cream of flavor that i can savor so what you think?Blank spaces in your life because of
where misunderstanding blank spaces where no one want to admit when they throw salt at you but try to act like it's your fault! Blank spaces in your life when they wanted their cake and their candy their ice cream and jello pudding pops! So many times we forget that all we have to 
do is stop and see where we is at blame and change but we all ways feel we do have time for bull
s#!+ but what you may think is bs might mean the world to the other person but as usual we 
only think some one it full of it and we never stop and say anything worth having is worth at lease understanding why this person is saying what they is saying so a good thing become a blank space look at this next phase of blank things i'm about to show you are you ready ok
See you are a person with so many blank spots in life and we don't realize that we need the 
spaces fill to complete our purpose are you left wondering how at one minute you on the top of the world then you fall so low you think all is well and find out things is not the way you thought blanks spots in your life make you feel lost and alone! but maybe this might help


stop today and tell those blank spots how you really feel don't let another day pass fill your spots

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