Wednesday, January 6, 2016

rude awakening

Howdy neighbor what up in your world this blog is going to make some mad but the truth is
the truth! Can you handle the truth? Well we see in a few because i'm about to break this off
We know who know and don't know I got a new job taking people to their appointments and the
company serve the upper state of  south Carolina that has foot hills and mountains so I drove
to a place call pelizer s.c  and  I was in my van feeling good about my self and just needed some
gas so I just whipped  the van in to this place that had a restaurant in it so me with my happy
self busted up in this place like hell it was mine and I got about in the middle of the restaurant
and oh my god first I notice this big ass rebel flag floating in the corner right then I should have
back my black azz out there and come back to 2016 but I was back in the freaking 50's in this place
as I stopped in my tracks my eyes started to go around the room no bull it happen just like this every
one in this place stopped and paused looking at me like I know he did not bring him black azz in
here and no bull I forgot what the hell I wanted out this place my mind went blank because every
one was looking at me some stopped in the middle of putting the spoon in their freaking mouth
I don't care how bad you are when you are by yourself in a place with nothing but a damn card in
your hand and you see about 35 people that is way lighter than you looking at you what do you do?
First I placed myself in the walk the hell out position and I ease my black azz to the door all this time not one word was said they just looked at me hell my mouth was closed so tight my teeth  looked
like one big as flag its self no bull all my balls left me my first mind said now you never ran hell I told my mind to shut the hell up don't boost me head up because this is not the time or place so I 
backed my azz up! Backed right out the door dash to my van and got the hell out of there see we 
take for granted our rights listen in that case I had the right to remain silent! And that what did
hey never would i go missing and some one else be still eating like nothing happen not me 
peace pastorsvoice


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